====== Chapter 7 - NFR 6 - Other Sources & NFR 11 - Natural Sources ====== ===== NFR 6 - Other Sources ===== At this point, Germany does not report any emissions under NFR 6 - Other Sources. ===== NFR 11 - Natural Sources ===== ^ NFR-Code ^ Name of category ^ Method ^ AD ^ EF ^ Key Category ^ | **11** | **Natural Sources** | //see sub-categories// |||| | //consisting of / including source categories// |||||| | 11.A | Volcanoes | //not occurring in Germany// |||| | 11.B | [[Sector:Natural_Sources:Forest_Fires:Start | Forest Fires]] | CS, T2 | CS | D | //not included in key category analysis// | | 11.C | Other Natural Sources | //no other natural sources reported for Germany// ||||