The next pages give an overview on the fundamental inventory work, its backgrounds and basic tasks. **[[general:inventory_background:start|1.1 National Inventory Background]]** Why we do what we do: The CLRTAP convention and its protocols, Germany's reduction obligations, … **[[general:institutional_arrangements:start|1.2 Institutional Arrangements]]** The necessary institutional framework: Inventory preparation, responsibilities of the Single National Entity, … **[[general:inventory_preparation:start|1.3 Inventory Preparation Process]]** How we do it: The process of inventory preparation. **[[general:method_data:start|1.4 Methods and Data Sources]]** Where we get our data from: Main data sources, national statistics, models, plant specific data, … **[[general:Key Categories:Start|1.5 Key Categories]]** Main emission sources and interesting trends. **[[general:Quality Verification:Start|1.6 QA/QC and Verification methods]]** Assuring a high quality inventory: The German Quality System for Emission Inventories. **[[general:uncertainty_evaluation:start|1.7 General Uncertainty Evaluation]]** The quality of numbers: specific and over-all uncertainty assessment. **[[general:Assessment Completeness:Start|1.8 General Assessment of Completeness]]** Mind the gap: necessary efforts to achieve the "complete" inventory.