===== Corrigendum ===== Germany reported incorrect national totals for NOX and PM2.5 in 2025 in the emission projections reported in 2023 as well as in the NAPCP reported in 2024. Explanation of that mistake(s) is as follows: * **NOX**: The optional measure of a review and possible amendment of the 13th BImSchV has already a mitigation potential of 3,4 kt in the WAM scenario in the year 2025 in the German emission projections reported in 2023 as well as in the German NAPCP 2023, reported in 2024. This is incorrect and is also not reported in the PaM-Tool. Therefore, the national total in 2025 for NOX in the WAM scenario should be 3,45 kt higher than reported (703,45 kt instead of 700,00 kt, compliance total without NFR 3B and NFR 3D), because there is no mitigation potential existing already in 2025. However, including the correction Germany still keeps the linear reduction path in 2025. * **PM2.5**: The two measures of revising the Ecodesign regulations 2015/1189 (solid fuel boilers) and 2015/1185 (solid fuel local space heaters) have already a mitigation potential of 0,2 kt in the WAM scenario in the year 2025 in the German emission projections reported in 2023 as well as in the German NAPCP 2023, reported in 2024. This is incorrect and is also not reported in the PaM-Tool. Therefore, the national total in 2025 for PM2.5 in the WAM scenario has to be 0,2 kt higher than reported (82,3 kt instead of 82,1 kt), because there is no mitigation potential existing already in 2025. However, including the correction Germany still keeps the linear reduction path in 2025.