NFR 2.G includes emissions from fireworks, tobacco, charcoal used for barbecues and the stionary and mobile apllication of lubricants.
For detailed information on applied methods, activity data, emission factors, emissions and recalculations, please refer to the sub-chapters linked below.
Category Code | Method | AD | EF |
Use of Fireworks | CS | NS, AS | D, CS |
Use of Tobacco | T2 | NS | CS, D |
Use of Charcoal for barbecues | T1 | NS | D |
Use of Lubricants | T1, T2 | NS, M | CS, D |
Method(s) applied |
D | Default |
T1 | Tier 1 / Simple Methodology * |
T2 | Tier 2* |
T3 | Tier 3 / Detailed Methodology * |
CS | Country Specific |
M | Model |
* as described in the EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook - 2019, in category chapters. |
(source for) Activity Data |
NS | National Statistics |
RS | Regional Statistics |
IS | International Statistics |
PS | Plant Specific |
As | Associations, business organisations |
Q | specific Questionnaires (or surveys) |
M | Model / Modelled |
C | Confidential |
(source for) Emission Factors |
D | Default (EMEP Guidebook) |
CS | Country Specific |
PS | Plant Specific |
M | Model / Modelled |
C | Confidential |
NOx | NMVOC | SO2 | NH3 | PM2.5 | PM10 | TSP | BC | CO | Pb | Cd | Hg | As | Cr | Cu | Ni | Se | Zn | PCDD/F | PAHs | HCB |
-/- | L/- | -/- | -/- | L/- | L/- | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- | L/- | NA | NA | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- | -/- | NA |
L/- | key source by Level only |
-/T | key source by Trend only |
L/T | key source by both Level and Trend |
-/- | no key source for this pollutant |
IE | emission of specific pollutant Included Elsewhere (i.e. in another category) |
NE | emission of specific pollutant Not Estimated (yet) |
NA | specific pollutant not emitted from this source or activity = Not Applicable |
* | no analysis done |