Table of Contents

Recalculations - Lead (Pb)

The marginally small changes within the National Total reported for 1990 (+0.08 t or +0.004 %) are dominated by revisions in NFRs 1.A.3.a i(i) and 1.A.3.a i(ii) where leaded avgas is applied.

Here, the most significant percental change occurs for NFR 1.A.3.a i(i) with minus 62 %.

Table 1: Changes of emission estimates 1990

Submission 2023 Submission 2024 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [t] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 1,899.19 1,899.27 0.08 0.004% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 1,499.00 1,499.08 0.08 0.005% sub-category chapters
1.A.2.g vii 2.0893 2.0891 -0.0002 -0.01% here
1.A.3.a i(i) 0.16 0.06 -0.10 -62.4% here
1.A.3.a ii(i) 2.33 2.50 0.18 7.61% here
1.A.3.c 0.2468 0.2470 0.0002 0.07% here
1.A.4.a ii 0.00009 0.00008 -0.00001 -12.7% here
NFR 2 - IPPU 400.05 400.05 0.00 0.00%
NFR 3 - Agriculture NA
NFR 5 - Waste 0.1475 0.1469 -0.0006 -0.39% sub-category chapters
5.E 0.0095 0.0089 -0.0006 -6.07% here
NFR 6 - Other NA

The small changes within the National Total reported for 2021 (+0.82 kt or +0.53 %) are dominated by a handful of stonger revisions in NFR 1 with the biggest change occuring for NFR sub-category 1.A.4.a i with plus 0.44 kt together with a variety of less significant revisions throughout NFRs 1, 2, 3 and 5.

The significant percental change occuring in NFR 1.A.3.b iii (+130 %) results from a correction of errenous data reported with the previous submission.

Table 2: Changes of emission estimates 2021

Submission 2023 Submission 2024 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [t] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 154.45 155.27 0.82 0.53% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 82.06 82.88 0.82 1.00% sub-category chapters
1.A.1.a 6.66 6.71 0.06 0.83% here
1.A.1.b 4.84 5.12 0.28 5.87% here
1.A.1.c 0.068 0.074 0.005 7.39% here
1.A.2.g vii 0.00071 0.00055 -0.00016 -22.3% here
1.A.2.g viii 0.56 0.53 -0.03 -5.92% here
1.A.3.a i(i) 0.024 0.023 -0.001 -5.24% here
1.A.3.a ii(i) 0.3028 0.3030 0.0002 0.07% here
1.A.3.b i 0.03022 0.03018 -0.00004 -0.13% here
1.A.3.b ii 0.00230 0.00227 -0.00004 -1.62% here
1.A.3.b iii 0.003 0.007 0.004 130% here
1.A.3.b iv 0.000639 0.000646 0.000007 1.02% here
1.A.3.b vi 44.21 44.27 0.06 0.15% here
1.A.3.b vii 0.05797 0.05799 0.00002 0.03% here
1.A.3.d ii 0.040 0.042 0.002 4.60% here
1.A.4.a i 20.45 20.89 0.44 2.14% here
1.A.4.a ii 0.000071 0.000075 0.000004 6.02% here
1.A.4.b i 4.6614 4.6615 0.0001 0.003% here
1.A.4.b ii 0.000129 0.000135 0.000006 4.60% here
1.A.4.c i 0.0685 0.0687 0.0002 0.27% here
1.A.4.c ii 0.00085 0.00110 0.00025 29.5% here
NFR 2 - IPPU 72.3353 72.3358 0.00048 0.001% sub-category chapters
2.A.3 0.64401 0.64446 0.00045 0.07% here
2.G 0.00141 0.00144 0.00003 1.88% here
NFR 3 - Agriculture NA
NFR 5 - Waste 0.0527 0.0521 -0.0006 -1.09% sub-category chapters
5.E 0.0097 0.0092 -0.0006 -5.92% here
NFR 6 - Other NA