1.A3.b ii - Transport: Road Transport: Light Duty Vehicles

Short description

In sub-category 1.A.3.b ii - Road Transport: Light Duty Vehicles emissions from fuel combustion in Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs) are reported.

Category Code Method AD EF
1.A.3.b ii T1, T3 NS, M CS, M, D

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Method(s) applied
D Default
T1 Tier 1 / Simple Methodology *
T2 Tier 2*
T3 Tier 3 / Detailed Methodology *
CS Country Specific
M Model
* as described in the EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook - 2019, in category chapters.
(source for) Activity Data
NS National Statistics
RS Regional Statistics
IS International Statistics
PS Plant Specific
As Associations, business organisations
Q specific Questionnaires (or surveys)
M Model / Modelled
C Confidential
(source for) Emission Factors
D Default (EMEP Guidebook)
CS Country Specific
PS Plant Specific
M Model / Modelled
C Confidential

NOx NMVOC SO2 NH3 PM2.5 PM10 TSP BC CO Pb Cd Hg As Cr Cu Ni Se Zn PCDD/F B(a)P B(b)F B(k)F I(x)P PAH1-4 HCB PCBs
L/- -/- -/- -/- L/T L/T -/- L/T -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- NE -/-

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L/- key source by Level only
-/T key source by Trend only
L/T key source by both Level and Trend
-/- no key source for this pollutant
IE emission of specific pollutant Included Elsewhere (i.e. in another category)
NE emission of specific pollutant Not Estimated (yet)
NA specific pollutant not emitted from this source or activity = Not Applicable
* no analysis done


Activity data

Specific consumption data for light-duty vehicles (LDV) are generated within TREMOD 1). - The following table provides an overview of annual amounts of fuels consumed by LDV in Germany.

Table 1: Annual fuel consumption of light duty vehicles, in terajoules

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Diesel oil 32,966 88,993 123,189 119,188 112,451 140,613 147,686 151,176 150,871 154,885 142,818 156,557 162,678
Gasoline 34,782 21,433 18,095 10,969 6,811 6,545 6,627 6,729 6,934 7,465 7,194 7,855 8,249
Naural Gas 355 1,225 704 620 409 475 304 276 255 175
Biodiesel 139 1,365 8,310 8,796 7,811 8,005 8,240 8,513 8,786 11,682 10,978 11,305
Biogasoline 76.0 265 264 271 275 300 308 323 370 382
Biomethane 38.9 190 211 249 210 304 304 241 214
Ʃ 1.A.3.b ii 67,748 110,566 142,649 138,898 129,587 156,127 163,420 167,077 167,302 172,050 162,596 176,256 183,003

 Annual fuel consumption of light-duty vehicles

 Development of mileage driven by electric light-duty vehicles

For further information on mileage and abrasion-related emissions, please refer to sub-chapters on emissions from tyre & brake wear and road abrasion.

Emission factors

The majority of emission factors for exhaust emissions from road transport are taken from the 'Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport' (HBEFA, versions 4.1 and 4.2) 2),3) where they are provided on a tier3 level mostly and processed within TREMOD 4).

However, it is not possible to present these highly specific tier3 values here in a comprehendible way .

With respect to the country-specific emission factors applied for particulate matter, given the circumstances during test-bench measurements, condensables are most likely included at least partly. 1)

For heavy-metal (other then lead from leaded gasoline) and PAH exhaust-emissions, default emission factors from the 2019 EMEP Guidebook (EMEP/EEA, 2019) 5) have been applied. Regarding PCDD/F, a tier1 EF from (Rentz et al., 2008) 6) is used instead.

Table 2: tier1 emission factors

Pb Cd Hg As Cr Cu Ni Se Zn B[a]P B[b]F B[k]F I[1,2,3-c,d]p PAH 1-4 PCDD/F
[g/TJ] [mg/TJ] [µg/km]
Diesel oil 0.012 0.001 0.123 0.002 0.198 0.133 0.005 0.002 0.419 498 521 275 493 1.788
Biodiesel1 0.013 0.001 0.142 0.003 0.228 0.153 0.005 0.003 0.483 575 601 317 569 2.062
Gasoline fuels 0.037 0.005 0.200 0.007 0.145 0.103 0.053 0.005 0.758 96 140 69 158 464
LPG4 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 4.35 0.00 4.35 4.35 13.0
all fuels 0.000006

1 values differ from EFs applied for fossil diesel oil to take into account the specific NCV of biodiesel
2 no specific default available from 7); value derived from CNG powered busses
3 no specific default available from 8); values available for CNG also applied for biogas
4 no specific default available from 9); value derived from LPG powered passenger cars

Table 3: Outcome of Key Category Analyis

for: NOx BC PM10 PM2.5
by: Level Level & Trend -/T L/T

Nitrogen oxides

NOx emissions increased steadily until 2002 following the shift to diesel engines. During the last ten years, emissions decline steadily due to catalytic-converter use and engine improvements resulting from ongoing tightening of emissions laws and improved fuel quality.

 Annual nitrogen oxides emissions of light-duty vehicles }}

Ammonia and sulphur dioxide

As for the entire road transport sector, the trends for sulphur dioxide and ammonia exhaust emissions from passenger cars show charcteristics very different from those shown above.

Here, the strong dependence on increasing fuel qualities (sulphur content) leads to an cascaded downward trend of emissions , influenced only slightly by increases in fuel consumption and mileage.

 Annual sulphur-oxides emissions of light-duty vehicles

For ammonia emissions the increasing use of catalytic converters in gasoline driven cars in the 1990s lead to a steep increase whereas both the technical development of the converters and the ongoing shift from gasoline to diesel cars resulted in decreasing emissions in the following years.

 Annual ammonia emissions of light-duty vehicles

Particulate matter & Black carbon

Starting in the middle of the 1990s, a so-called “diesel boom” began, leading to a switch from gasoline to diesel powered passenger cars. As the newly registered diesel cars had to meet the EURO2 standard (in force since 1996/'97) with a PM limit value less than half the EURO1 value, the growing diesel consumption was overcompensated qickly by the mitigation technologies implemented due to the new EURO norm. During the following years, new EURO norms came into force.

With the still ongoing “diesel boom” those norms led to a stabilisation (EURO3, 2000/'01) of emissions and to another strong decrease of PM emissions (EURO4, 2005/'06), respectively. Over-all, the increased consumption of diesel in passenger cars was over-estimated by the implemented mitigation technologies.

 Annual particulate matter emissions


Compared to submission 2023, recalculations result mainly from a revision of the underlying National Energy Balances (NEB) for all years as of 2003.

Here, activity data were revised accordingly within TREMOD.

Table 4: Revised fuel consumption data, in terajoules

2003 2004 2005 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
current submission 125,506 118,252 119,188 112,451 140,613 147,686 151,176 150,871 154,885 142,818 156,557
previous submission 125,322 122,769 120,766 114,054 135,670 143,867 151,620 150,118 153,247 144,863 159,820
absolute change 185 -4,518 -1,578 -1,603 4,943 3,819 -444 753 1,638 -2,045 -3,263
relative change 0.15% -3.68% -1.31% -1.41% 3.64% 2.65% -0.29% 0.50% 1.07% -1.41% -2.04%
current submission 3,631 4,434 8,310 8,796 7,811 8,005 8,240 8,513 8,786 11,682 10,978
previous submission 3,480 4,299 8,070 8,744 7,421 7,627 8,094 8,726 8,729 12,033 11,103
absolute change 150 136 240 51,6 390 378 146 -213 57,1 -352 -124
relative change 4.32% 3.16% 2.97% 0.59% 5.25% 4.95% 1.81% -2.45% 0.65% -2.92% -1.12%
current submission 13,384 11,559 10,969 6,811 6,545 6,627 6,729 6,934 7,465 7,194 7,855
previous submission 13,349 11,973 11,085 6,899 6,109 6,245 6,537 6,698 7,158 7,086 7,792
absolute change 34.7 -413 -116 -88.5 436 382 192 236 306 108 62.9
relative change 0.26% -3.45% -1.04% -1.28% 7.14% 6.11% 2.94% 3.52% 4.28% 1.52% 0.81%
current submission 12,7 76,0 265 264 271 275 300 308 323 370
previous submission 12,8 76,1 267 265 271 276 301 309 324 371
absolute change -0,02 -0,12 -1,99 -0,77 -0,75 -0,85 -1,08 -1,16 -0,99 -0,59
relative change -0,19% -0,15% -0,75% -0,29% -0,28% -0,31% -0,36% -0,38% -0,31% -0,16%
current submission 283 315 355 1.225 704 620 409 475 304 276 255
previous submission 355 1.261 1.140 912 922 806 871 899 1.030
absolute change 283 315 0.64 -36.0 -436 -292 -513 -332 -568 -624 -775
relative change 0.18% -2.85% -38.3% -32.0% -55.7% -41.1% -65.1% -69.3% -75.3%
current submission 38.9 190 211 249 210 304 304 241
previous submission 192 214 255 217 354 484 492
absolute change 38.9 -1.97 -3.33 -5.86 -7.08 -50.3 -179 -251
relative change -1.03% -1.55% -2.30% -3.26% -14.2% -37.1% -51.0%
NFR 1.A.3.b ii TOTAL
current submission 142,804 134,573 138,898 129,587 156,171 163,481 167,179 167,465 172,282 162,880 176,714
previous submission 142,151 139,053 140,351 131,225 150,797 159,137 167,703 166,866 170,668 165,689 180,607
absolute change 652 -4,480 -1,454 -1,639 5,374 4,344 -525 598 1,614 -2,809 -3,893
relative change 0.46% -3.22% -1.04% -1.25% 3.56% 2.73% -0.31% 0.36% 0.95% -1.70% -2.16%

Due to the variety of tier3 emission factors applied, it is not possible to display any changes in these data sets in a comprehendible way.

For pollutant-specific information on recalculated emission estimates for Base Year and 2021, please see the recalculation tables following chapter 8.1 - Recalculations.

Planned improvements

Besides a routine revision of the underlying model, no specific improvements are planned.

1), 4) Knörr et al. (2023a): Knörr, W., Heidt, C., Gores, S., & Bergk, F.: Fortschreibung des Daten- und Rechenmodells: Energieverbrauch und Schadstoffemissionen des motorisierten Verkehrs in Deutschland 1960-2035, sowie TREMOD, im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes, Heidelberg [u.a.]: Ifeu Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH, Heidelberg & Berlin, 2023.
2) Keller et al. (2019): Keller, M., Hausberger, S., Matzer, C., Wüthrich, P., & Notter, B.: Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport, version 4.1 (Handbuch Emissionsfaktoren des Straßenverkehrs 4.1) URL: https://assets-global.website-files.com/6207922a2acc01004530a67e/625e8c74c30e26e022b319c8_HBEFA41_Development_Report.pdf - Dokumentation, Bern, 2019.
3) Notter et al. (2022): Notter, B., Cox, B., Hausberger, S., Matzer, S., Weller, K., Dippold, M., Politschnig, N., Lipp, S. (IVT TU Graz), Allekotte, M., Knörr, W. (ifeu), André, M. (IFSTTAR), Gagnepain, L. (ADEME), Hult, C., Jerksjö, M. (IVL): Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport, version 4.2 (Handbuch Emissionsfaktoren des Straßenverkehrs 4.2) URL: https://assets-global.website-files.com/6207922a2acc01004530a67e/6217584903e9f9b63093c8c0_HBEFA42_Update_Documentation.pdf - Dokumentation, Bern, 2022.
5), 7), 8), 9) EMEP/EEA, 2019: EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019; https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/emep-eea-guidebook-2019/part-b-sectoral-guidance-chapters/1-energy/1-a-combustion/1-a-3-b-i/view; Copenhagen, 2019.
6) Rentz et al., 2008: Nationaler Durchführungsplan unter dem Stockholmer Abkommen zu persistenten organischen Schadstoffen (POPs), im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes, FKZ 205 67 444, UBA Texte | 01/2008, January 2008 - URL: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/publikationen/nationaler-durchfuehrungsplan-unter-stockholmer
During test-bench measurements, temperatures are likely to be significantly higher than under real-world conditions, thus reducing condensation. On the contrary, smaller dillution (higher number of primary particles acting as condensation germs) together with higher pressures increase the likeliness of condensation. So over-all condensables are very likely to occur but different to real-world conditions.