2.L(b) - Diffuse Emissions from Industrial Establishments

Short description

NFR category 2.L(b) - Diffuse Emissions from Industrial Establishments includes also diffuse emissions from enterprises in general kind.


As no detailed data are available and as NFR 2.L(b) is no key category, all emissions are calculated via a tier1 method. Estimations are based on an European method computing emissions per person of population.

Activity data

Table 1: Population development in Germany since 1990

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
79,753,227 81,307,715 81,456,617 81,336,663 80,284,071 82,175,684 82,521,653 82,792,351 83,019,213 83,166,711 83,155,031 83,237,124 84,358,845

Emission factors

Emission factors originate in the results of a research project with respect to the European RAINS model. - The EF time series for all three fractions of particulate matter show a falling trend.

Table 2: EF used for 2022 emission estimates, in kg/capita

Total suspended particles - TSP 0.3052
PM10 0.1008
PM2.5 0.0336

The diffuse particulate matter emissions reported here, depend on (a) the number of inhabitants in Germany, serving as activity data, and (b) on the trend in emission factors that shall reflect the efforts to prevent such particle emissions. Hence, the emission time-series for all three fractions of particulate matter show a downward trend.


With activity data and emission factors remaining unrevised, no recalculations were carried out compared to the previous submission.

Planned improvements

There are no specific improvements planned for this emission source category.