Table of Contents

Recalculations - Sulphur Oxides

The negligibly small changes in the National Total reported for 1990 (-4.15 kt or -0.08 %) result almost entirely from revised emission estimates in the sub-categories of NFR 1.A.3.b together with less significant changes throughout NFR 1 with the strongest change occuring for 2.C.1 with minus 25 kt but resulting from a re-allocation of emissions to NFR 2.C.7.c.

The strongest percental change, however, occurs for 2.C.1 with minus 85 %.

Table 1: Changes in emission estimates for 1990

Submission 2023 Submission 2024 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [kt] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 5,464.11 5,459.96 -4.15 -0.08% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 5,288.46 5,284.38 -4.08 -0.08% sub-category chapters
1.A.2.g vii 3.85 2.72 -1.13 -29.3% here
1.A.3.a i(i) 0.2435 0.2432 -0.0003 -0.13% here
1.A.3.a ii(i) 0.173 0.175 0.002 1.16% here
1.A.3.b i 35.68 34.20 -1.49 -4.17% here
1.A.3.b ii 3.16 2.98 -0.18 -5.82% here
1.A.3.b iii 37.21 34.77 -2.44 -6.56% here
1.A.3.c 8.24 8.27 0.03 0.35% here
1.A.3.d ii 10.870 10.873 0.003 0.03% here
1.A.4.a ii 0.63 0.55 -0.08 -12.7% here
1.A.4.c ii 4.48 5.69 1.21 26.9% here
NFR 2 - IPPU 175.54 175.54 0.00 0.00%
2.C.1 34.50 9.48 -25.02 -72.5% here
2.C.7.c NE 25.02 25.02 re-allocated from 2.C.1 here
NFR 3 - Agriculture NA
NFR 5 - Waste 0.11 0.03 -0.07 -69.6% sub-category chapters
5.C.2 0.09 0.01 -0.07 -85.0% here
NFR 6 - Other NA

Changes in the National Total reported for 2021 ( -4.11 kt or -1.62 %) result mainly from a revision in NFR sub-category 1.A.2.g viii (-4.45 kt) together with less relevant changes throughout NFRs 1, 2 and 5.

The most significant percental change occurs for NFR 5.C.2 with minus 85 %.

Table 2: Changes in emission estimates for 2021

Submission 2023 Submission 2024 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [kt] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 254.47 250.36 -4.11 -1.62% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 188.07 183.19 -4.88 -2.59% sub-category chapters
1.A.1.a 96.19 95.21 -0.98 -1.02% here
1.A.1.b 31.20 31.19 -0.01 -0.04% here
1.A.1.c 6.09 6.43 0.35 5.68% here
1.A.2.a 4.54 4.43 -0.10 -2.28% here
1.A.2.b 0.288 0.333 0.045 15.5% here
1.A.2.e 0.61 0.68 0.07 11.3% here
1.A.2.g vii 0.019 0.013 -0.006 -31.6% here
1.A.2.g viii 28.02 23.57 -4.45 -15.9% here
1.A.3.a i(i) 0.297 0.296 -0.001 -0.22% here
1.A.3.a ii(i) 0.065 0.062 -0.004 -5.40% here
1.A.3.b i 0.4575 0.4533 -0.0042 -0.93% here
1.A.3.b ii 0.067 0.066 -0.001 -2.08% here
1.A.3.b iii 0.221 0.223 0.001 0.54% here
1.A.3.b iv 0.0065 0.0065 0.0001 1.02% here
1.A.3.c 0.215413 0.215415 0.000002 0.001% here
1.A.3.d ii 0.338 0.338 0.001 0.20% here
1.A.4.a i 1.34 1.18 -0.16 -12.2% here
1.A.4.a ii 0.003922 0.004057 0.000135 3.45% here
1.A.4.b i 10.61 10.91 0.30 2.84% here
1.A.4.b ii 0.00119 0.00125 0.00005 4.60% here
1.A.4.c i 1.756 1.760 0.005 0.27% here
1.A.4.c ii 0.023 0.030 0.007 29.1% here
1.A.5.a 0.0152 0.0154 0.0002 1.17% here
1.B.1.b 0.743 0.817 0.074 9.97% here
NFR 2 - IPPU 66.29 67.08 0.79 1.19% sub-category chapters
2.A.3 8.15 7.85 -0.31 -3.76% here
2.B.6 0.83 0.78 -0.06 -6.66% here
2.B.10.a 10.04 11.19 1.15 11.5% here
NFR 3 - Agriculture NA
NFR 5 - Waste 0.112 0.089 -0.023 -20.4% sub-category chapters
5.C.2 0.027 0.004 -0.023 -85.0% here
NFR 6 - Other NA