Table of Contents

Recalculations - Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds

The changes within the National Total reported for 1990 (-19.5 kt or -0.49 %) are dominated by NFR sub-categorie 5.C.2 (-19,6 kt or -96,9 %) with the strongest percental change occuring for 2.G with plus 2,409 % resulting from a re-alloction from NFR 2.D.3.i.

Table 1: Changes in emission estimates for 1990

Submission 2023 Submission 2024 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [kt] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 3,948.88 3,929.35 -19.53 -0.49% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 2,220.72 2,220.36 -0.36 -0.02% sub-category chapters
1.A.2.g vii 9.97 7.28 -2.68 -26.1% here
1.A.3.a i(i) 0.75 0.77 0.02 2.66% here
1.A.3.a ii(i) 0.40 0.50 0.10 23.6% here
1.A.3.c 4.22 4.24 0.02 0.38% here
1.A.3.d ii 3.27 3.53 0.27 8.20% here
1.A.4.a ii 2.34 2.10 -0.25 -10.5% here
1.A.4.c ii 32.22 34.73 2.51 7.80% here
1.A.5.b 21.30 22.97 1.67 7.86% here
1.B.1.b 7.86 5.75 -2.11 -26.9% here
1.B.2.a iv 73.15 72.03 -1.12 -1.53%
1.B.2.a v 87.79 88.91 1.12 1.28%
1.B.2.b 8.94 9.03 0.10 1.07%
NFR 2 - IPPU 1,291.63 1,291.63 0.00 0.00% sub-category chapters
2.D.3.i 242.18 203.08 -39.10 -16.1% here
2.G 1.62 40.72 39.10 2,409% here
NFR 3 - Agriculture 398.60 399.07 0.47 0.12% sub-category chapters
3.B.4.h NE 0.47 0.47 here
NFR 5 - Waste 37.92 18.28 -19.64 -51.8% sub-category chapters
5.C.2 20.28 0.63 -19.64 -96.9% here
NFR 6 - Other NA

The small changes within the National Total reported for 2021 (-1.32 kt or -0.13 %) result from several more or less significant revisions in NFR1, 2 3 and 4.

The strongest percental change occurs for NFR 2.G with plus 2,816 %, mostly resulting from a re-allocation of emissions from NFR 2.D.3.i.

Table 2: Changes in emission estimates for 2021

Submission 2023 Submission 2024 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [kt] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 1,044.19 1,042.87 -1.32 -0.13% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 196.27 197.15 0.88 0.45% sub-category chapters
1.A.1.a 7.05 7.06 0.02 0.22% here
1.A.1.b 0.77 0.77 0.00 0.61% here
1.A.1.c 0.37 0.40 0.02 6.10% here
1.A.2.a 0.250 0.239 -0.010 -4.18% here
1.A.2.b 0.072 0.078 0.006 8.53% here
1.A.2.e 0.020 0.022 0.002 10.8% here
1.A.2.g vii 3.91 4.16 0.26 6.61% here
1.A.2.g viii 6.16 5.91 -0.25 -4.08% here
1.A.3.a i(i) 0.28 0.29 0.01 3.42% here
1.A.3.a ii(i) 0.24 0.31 0.07 30.1% here
1.A.3.b i 39.63 38.74 -0.90 -2.26% here
1.A.3.b ii 1.46 1.41 -0.05 -3.55% here
1.A.3.b iii 2.18 2.19 0.01 0.39% here
1.A.3.b iv 13.38 13.08 -0.30 -2.23% here
1.A.3.b v 23.62 23.09 -0.52 -2.21% here
1.A.3.c 0.440 0.444 0.004 0.84% here
1.A.3.d ii 0.98 1.32 0.34 34.4% here
1.A.4.a i 4.14 4.01 -0.13 -3.22% here
1.A.4.a ii 0.782 0.772 -0.010 -1.22% here
1.A.4.b i 38.06 38.23 0.17 0.44% here
1.A.4.b ii 7.390 7.730 0.34 4.60% here
1.A.4.c i 0.869 0.880 0.011 1.26% here
1.A.4.c ii 12.18 15.79 3.61 29.6% here
1.A.5.a 0.0999 0.0997 -0.0001 -0.13% here
1.A.5.b 1.27 1.48 0.21 16.8% here
1.B.1.b 3.03 0.79 -2.23 -73.8% here
1.B.2.a iv 3.83 3.01 -0.82 -21.4%
1.B.2.a v 15.56 16.37 0.81 5.20%
1.B.2.b 2.27 2.49 0.22 9.55%
NFR 2 - IPPU 549.66 553.16 3.50 0.64% sub-category chapters
2.A.3 0.61 0.52 -0.09 -14.8% here
2.D.3.a 77.72 77.77 0.05 0.07% here
2.D.3.d 194.36 195.18 0.82 0.42% here
2.D.3.e 38.98 38.96 -0.03 -0.07% here
2.D.3.g 50.42 50.38 -0.04 -0.07% here
2.D.3.h 42.57 41.93 -0.64 -1.50% here
2.D.3.i 98.85 71.91 -26.94 -27.3% here
2.G 1.14 33.16 32.02 2,816% here
2.H.1 3.62 1.96 -1.66 -45.9% here
NFR 3 - Agriculture 290.58 291.00 0.42 0.14% sub-category chapters
3.B.1.a 155.75 155.86 0.11 0.07% here
3.B.1.b 82.03 82.29 0.26 0.31% here
3.B.4.h NE 0.04 0.04 here
3.D.e 9.43 9.44 0.00 0.05% here
NFR 5 - Waste 7.68 1.56 -6.11 -79.7% sub-category chapters
5.A 1.211 1.211 0.000 0.04% here
5.C.2 6.31 0.20 -6.11 -96.9% here
NFR 6 - Other NA