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general:assessment_completeness:start [2024/04/30 07:44] kotzullageneral:assessment_completeness:start [2024/11/06 13:54] (current) – external edit
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 ==== Fuel combustion ==== ==== Fuel combustion ====
-{{ :general:assessment_completeness:stack.jpg?nolink 100|}}+{{ :general:assessment_completeness:stack.jpg?nolink 50|}}
 In principle, all combustion-related activities (1.A) are recorded in full within the National Energy Balance (NEB) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Nonetheless, where it is evident that complete coverage is not achieved for certain sub-sectors (i.e. non-commercial use of wood, waste fuels), the NEB is supplemented with further statistical data, surveys etc. Moreover, there are frequent changes within the NEB, in particular concerning renewable energies. Such changes in fuel and source categories require considerable research work. Insofar, it's not always possible to implement all data in time. However, based on current information, combustion related activity data can be considered complete. In principle, all combustion-related activities (1.A) are recorded in full within the National Energy Balance (NEB) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Nonetheless, where it is evident that complete coverage is not achieved for certain sub-sectors (i.e. non-commercial use of wood, waste fuels), the NEB is supplemented with further statistical data, surveys etc. Moreover, there are frequent changes within the NEB, in particular concerning renewable energies. Such changes in fuel and source categories require considerable research work. Insofar, it's not always possible to implement all data in time. However, based on current information, combustion related activity data can be considered complete.
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   * The entire //NFR 2.J - Production of POPs// is reported as not occuring in Germany now and all NE have been replacd by NO notations.    * The entire //NFR 2.J - Production of POPs// is reported as not occuring in Germany now and all NE have been replacd by NO notations. 
-[{{ :general:assessment_completeness:clrtap-stage1_notationkeys_2020.png?500 | Overview from CLRTAP Stage1 Review 2022 }}] +[{{:general:assessment_completeness:clrtap-stage1_notationkeys_2020.png?300 | Overview from CLRTAP Stage1 Review 2022 }}] 
-[{{ :general:assessment_completeness:clrtap-stage1_notationkeys_2021.png?500 | Overview from CLRTAP Stage1 Review 2023 }}]+[{{ :general:assessment_completeness:clrtap-stage1_notationkeys_2021.png?300 | Overview from CLRTAP Stage1 Review 2023}}]
 As for categories, NE notations are used mainly in **Industrial Processes** and **Waste** (please refer to [[| section 1c of the review report 2022]] for details). (The correspondig report for 2023 is not yet publically avilable) As for categories, NE notations are used mainly in **Industrial Processes** and **Waste** (please refer to [[| section 1c of the review report 2022]] for details). (The correspondig report for 2023 is not yet publically avilable)