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general:recalculations:start [2024/04/11 06:59] – [Table] kotzullageneral:recalculations:start [2024/11/06 13:54] (current) – external edit
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 | [[General:Recalculations:Zinc| Zinc ]] - Zn                                                        |  [t]                   474.148 |    474.153 |    0.005 |    0.001% |      281.42 |    283.14 |    1.71 |   0.61% | | [[General:Recalculations:Zinc| Zinc ]] - Zn                                                        |  [t]                   474.148 |    474.153 |    0.005 |    0.001% |      281.42 |    283.14 |    1.71 |   0.61% |
 ^ Persistent Organic Pollutants - POPs                                                                                                                                                                            ||||||||||| ^ Persistent Organic Pollutants - POPs                                                                                                                                                                            |||||||||||
-| [[General:Recalculations:Dioxines| Dioxines & Furanes ]] - PCDD/                                 |  [g]                    814,14 |     805,10 |    -9,04 |   -1,110% |      116.03 |    107.56 |   -8.47 |  -7.30% |+| [[General:Recalculations:Dioxines| Dioxines & Furanes ]] - PCDD/                                 |  [g]                    814.14 |     805.10 |    -9.04 |    -1.11% |      116.03 |    107.56 |   -8.47 |  -7.30% |
 ^ //Polycyclic Organic Hydrocarbons - PAHs//                                                                                                                                                                      ||||||||||| ^ //Polycyclic Organic Hydrocarbons - PAHs//                                                                                                                                                                      |||||||||||
 | [[General:Recalculations:BaP| Benzo(a)pyrene ]] - B[a]P                                            |  [t]                   26.9894 |    26.9895 |   0.0001 |   0.0004% |       17.45 |     17.53 |    0.09 |   0.49% | | [[General:Recalculations:BaP| Benzo(a)pyrene ]] - B[a]P                                            |  [t]                   26.9894 |    26.9895 |   0.0001 |   0.0004% |       17.45 |     17.53 |    0.09 |   0.49% |
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   * 1.A together with 2.C.1: __finalisation of National Energy Balance__ 2021   * 1.A together with 2.C.1: __finalisation of National Energy Balance__ 2021
   * 1.A together with 2.C.1: __revision of National Energy Balances__ 2003-2020   * 1.A together with 2.C.1: __revision of National Energy Balances__ 2003-2020
 +  * 2.C.2: __revised international production statistic__ 20021
 +  * 2.G.use of charcoal: __revised foreign sale statistics__ 2021
 **2. update or revision of entire model** **2. update or revision of entire model**
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   * 1.A.2.g vii, 1.A.4.a ii, 1.A.4.b ii and 1.A.4.c ii: routine revision of TREMOD MM   * 1.A.2.g vii, 1.A.4.a ii, 1.A.4.b ii and 1.A.4.c ii: routine revision of TREMOD MM
-**3. newly implemented emission factors** +**3. newly implemented acitivity and/or emission factors** 
-  *  +  * 1.A.3.d ii: introduction of gasoline and LPG as fuels in domestic inland navigation (as outcome of NEB revision)
 **4. revision of emission factors** **4. revision of emission factors**
-  * +  * mobile combustion over-all: revision of (implied) country-specific emission factors as part of model revision 
 +  * 2.C.3.a: adjustment of the CO emission factor to national technical guidelines backwards to 1995
- +**5. re-allocation of activity data and/or emissions**
-**5. re-allocation of activity data and emissions**+
   * NRMM in 1.A.2.g vii, 1.A.4.a ii and c ii: revision of methodology to distribute over-all fuel deliveries from NEN line 67 onto NRMM-subcategories   * NRMM in 1.A.2.g vii, 1.A.4.a ii and c ii: revision of methodology to distribute over-all fuel deliveries from NEN line 67 onto NRMM-subcategories
 **6. as an outcome of the ongoing review activities under both UNFCCC and UNECE** **6. as an outcome of the ongoing review activities under both UNFCCC and UNECE**
-  * +  * emissions from lubricant use: re-allocation from 2.D.3 to NFR 2.G
-**Summary: Reasons -  Waste Sector** 
-  *5.A: