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sector:agriculture:agricultural_other:start [2024/03/15 08:11] – [Activity Data] niebuhrsector:agriculture:agricultural_other:start [2024/11/06 13:54] (current) – external edit
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-NFR-Code                                          ^  Name of Category                        Method                              ^  AD    ^  EF                                  ^ + Category Code                                    ^  Name of Category                        Method                              ^  AD    ^  EF                                  ^ 
-| 3.I                                               | Agriculture: other                      |                                      |        |                                      |+ 3.I                                               Agriculture: other                     |                                      |        |                                      |
 | //consisting of / including source categories://                                                                                                                               ||||| | //consisting of / including source categories://                                                                                                                               |||||
-| 3.I                                               | Storage of digestate from energy crops  | T2 (NH<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub> | Q, PS  | CS (NH<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub> |+ 3.I                                              | Storage of digestate from energy crops  | T2 (NH<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub> | Q, PS  | CS (NH<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub> |
 |  {{page>general:Misc:LegendEIT:start}}                                                                                                                                         ||||| |  {{page>general:Misc:LegendEIT:start}}                                                                                                                                         |||||
 ^  NO<sub>x</sub>                          NMVOC  |  SO<sub>2</sub>  ^  NH<sub>3</sub>  |  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |  PM<sub>10</sub>  |  TSP  |  BC  |  CO  |  Heavy Metals  |  POPs  | ^  NO<sub>x</sub>                          NMVOC  |  SO<sub>2</sub>  ^  NH<sub>3</sub>  |  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |  PM<sub>10</sub>  |  TSP  |  BC  |  CO  |  Heavy Metals  |  POPs  |
Line 22: Line 24:
-//Table 1: N amount in energy crops fed into anaerobic digestion// +__Table 1: N amount in energy crops fed into anaerobic digestion, in [kt N]__ 
-^  N amount in energy crops in Gg N                                                                                               ^|||||||||||| +^  1990    1995  ^  2000  ^  2005  ^  2010  ^  2015  ^  2016  ^  2017  ^  2018  ^  2019  ^  2020  ^  2021  ^  2022  ^ 
-| 1990                               1995  2000  2005  2010   | 2015   | 2016   | 2017   | 2018   | 2019   | 2020   | 2021   | 2022   | +  0.0 |    0.6 |    5.3 |   45.1  163.0 |  293.7 |  292.2  287.4 |  283.2 |  283.2  289.3  283.8  283.8 | 
-| 0.0                                | 0.6   | 5.3   | 45.1  163.0  | 293.7  | 292.2  287.4  | 283.2  | 283.2  289.3  283.8  283.8  |+\\
-//Table 2: Distribution of gastight storage and storage in open tank of energy crop digestates// +__Table 2: Distribution of gastight storage and storage in open tank of energy crop digestates, in [%]__ 
-^  Distribution of gastight storage and non-gastight storage, in %                                                                                              ^||||||||||||| +              ^  1990  ^  1995  ^  2000  ^  2005  ^  2010  ^  2015  ^  2016  ^  2017  ^  2018  ^  2019  ^  2020  ^  2021  ^  2022  ^ 
-                                                                  | 1990   | 1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  2022  | +| gastight         0.0 |    4.7 |    9.4 |   15.8 |   42.2 |   64.0 |   65.6 |   67.1 |   68.7 |   70.2 |   71.8 |   73.3 |   73.3 | 
-| gastight                                                          | 0.0    | 4.7   | 9.4   | 15.8  | 42.2  | 64.0  | 65.6  | 67.1  | 68.7  | 70.2  | 71.8  | 73.3  | 73.3  +| non-gastight     100 |   95.3 |   90.6 |   84.2 |   57.8 |   36.0 |   34.4 |   32.9 |   31.3 |   29.8 |   28.2 |   26.7 |   26.7 |
-| non-gastight                                                      | 100.0  | 95.3  | 90.6  | 84.2  | 57.8  | 36.0  | 34.4  | 32.9  | 31.3  | 29.8  | 28.2  | 26.7  | 26.7  |+
 ==== Methodology ==== ==== Methodology ====
-The calculation of emissions from storage of digestate from energy crops considers two different types of storage, i.e. gastight storage and open tank. The frequencies of these storage types are also provided by KTBL (see Table 2). There are no emissions of NH<sub>3</sub>  and NO from gastight storage of digestate. Hence the total emissions from the storage of digestate are calculated by multiplying the amount of N in the digestate leaving the fermenter with the relative frequency of open tanks and the emission factor for open tank. The amount of N in the digestate leaving the fermenter is identical to the N amount in energy crops fed into anaerobic digestion (see Table 1) because N losses from pre-storage are negligible and there are no N losses from fermenter (see Rösemann et al. 2023, Chapter 5.1).+The calculation of emissions from storage of digestate from energy crops considers two different types of storage, i.e. gastight storage and open tank. The frequencies of these storage types are also provided by KTBL (see Table 2). There are no emissions of NH<sub>3</sub>  and NO from gastight storage of digestate. Hence the total emissions from the storage of digestate are calculated by multiplying the amount of N in the digestate leaving the fermenter with the relative frequency of open tanks and the emission factor for open tank. The amount of N in the digestate leaving the fermenter is identical to the N amount in energy crops fed into anaerobic digestion (see Table 1) because N losses from pre-storage are negligible and there are no N losses from fermenter (see Vos et al. 2024, Chapter 5.1).
 ==== Emission factors ==== ==== Emission factors ====
 +As no specific emission factor is known for the storage of digestion residues in open tanks, the NH<sub>3</sub> emission factor for storage of cattle slurry with crust in open tanks was adopted (0.045 kg NH<sub>3</sub> -N per kg TAN). This choice of emission factor is based on the fact that energy crops are, in general, co-fermented with animal manures (i. e. mostly slurry) and that a natural crust forms on the liquid digestates due to the relatively high dry matter content of the energy crops. 
-As no specific emission factor is known for the storage of digestion residues in open tanks, the NH<sub>3</sub>  emission factor for storage of cattle slurry with crust in open tanks was adopted (0.045 kg NH<sub>3</sub> -N per kg TAN). This choice of emission factor is based on the fact that energy crops are, in general, co-fermented with animal manures (i. e. mostly slurry) and that a natural crust forms on the liquid digestates due to the relatively high dry matter content of the energy crops. The TAN content after the digestion process is 0.56 kg TAN per kg N. The NO emission factor for storage of digestion residues in open tanks was set to 0.0005 kg NO-N per kg N. Table 3 shows the resulting implied emission factors for NH<sub>3</sub> -N and NO-N. NO<sub>x</sub>  emissions are related to NO-N emissions by the ratio of 46/14. This relationship also holds for NO-N and NO<sub>x</sub>  emission factors. +The TAN content after the digestion process is 0.56 kg TAN per kg N. The NO emission factor for storage of digestion residues in open tanks was set to 0.0005 kg NO-N per kg N. 
- +
- +
-//Table 3: IEF for NH<sub>3</sub> -N and NO-N emissions from storage of digested energy crops// +
- +
-^  1990                                                              ^  1995    ^  2000    ^  2005    ^  2010    ^  2011    ^  2012    ^  2013    ^  2014    ^  2015    ^  2016    ^  2017    ^  2018    ^  2019    ^  2020    ^  2021    ^ +
-|  **IEF in kg NH<sub>3</sub>-N per kg N in digested energy crops**                                                                                                                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +
-|                                                             0.0252 |   0.0240 |   0.0228 |   0.0212 |   0.0146 |   0.0132 |   0.0102 |   0.0096 |   0.0091 |   0.0089 |   0.0089 |   0.0089 |   0.0089 |   0.0087 |   0.0086 | 0.0086   | +
-|  **IEF in kg NO-N per kg N in digested energy crops **                                                                                                                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +
-|                                                            0.00050 |  0.00048 |  0.00045 |  0.00042 |  0.00029 |  0.00026 |  0.00020 |  0.00019 |  0.00018 |  0.00018 |  0.00018 |  0.00018 |  0.00018 |  0.00017 |  0.00017 | 0.00017  |+
 +The following table shows the resulting implied emission factors for NH<sub>3</sub> -N and NO-N. NO<sub>x</sub> emissions are related to NO-N emissions by the ratio of 46/14. This relationship also holds for NO-N and NO<sub>x</sub> emission factors.
 +__Table 3: IEF for NH<sub>3</sub> -N and NO-N emissions from storage of digested energy crops__
 +^  1990                                                            1995    ^  2000    ^  2005    ^  2010    ^  2015    ^  2016    ^  2017    ^  2018    ^  2019    ^  2020    ^  2021    ^  2022    ^
 +|  IEF in kg NH<sub>3</sub>-N per kg N in digested energy crops                                                                                                                           |||||||||||||
 +| 0.0252                                                          | 0.0240   | 0.0228   | 0.0212   | 0.0146   | 0.0090   | 0.0086   | 0.0083   | 0.0079   | 0.0075   | 0.0071   | 0.0067   | 0.0067   |
 +|  IEF in kg NO-N per kg N in digested energy crops                                                                                                                                       |||||||||||||
 +| 0.00050                                                         | 0.00048  | 0.00045  | 0.00042  | 0.00029  | 0.00018  | 0.00017  | 0.00016  | 0.00016  | 0.00015  | 0.00014  | 0.00013  | 0.00013  |
Line 63: Line 63:
 ==== Recalculations ==== ==== Recalculations ====
-All time series of the emission inventory have completely been recalculated since 1990. Table REC-1 shows the effects of recalculations on NH<sub>3</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> emissions from storage of anaerobically digested energy crops. Differences to last year’s submission occur only in 2020 and are due to the update of activity data (see main page of the agricultural sector, [[sector:agriculture:start|Chapter 5 - NFR 3 - Agriculture (OVERVIEW)]], **recalculation reason No 15**). For further details on recalculations see Rösemann et al. (2032), Chapter 1.3.+All time series of the emission inventory have completely been recalculated since 1990.  
 +The following table shows the effects of recalculations on NH<sub>3</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> emissions from storage of anaerobically digested energy crops. 
-//Table REC-1: Comparison of NH<sub>3</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> emissions of the submissions (SUB2022 and 2023//+Differences to last year’s submission occur in all years and due to the update of activity data (see [[sector:agriculture:start|main page of the agricultural sector]], Chapter 5 - NFR 3 - Agriculture (OVERVIEW), **recalculation No. 13**). For further details on recalculations see Vos et al. (2024), Chapter 1.3. 
-^  NH<sub>3</sub> NO<sub>x</sub> emissions in Gg                                                                                                                                                         |||||||||||||||||| +__Table 4 - REC-1: Revised NH<sub>3</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> emissionsin kilotonnes__ 
-^                                                    SUB  ^  1990    1995    2000    2005   ^  2010    2011    2012    2013   ^  2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021   ^ +                     ^  1990    1995    2000    2005    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021   ^  2022   ^ 
-NH<sub>3</sub>                                    2023  |  0.0015 |  0.0190 |  0.1563 |  1.2267 |  3.0426 |  3.4504 |  2.9206 |  3.3062 |  3.2814 |  3.3428 |  3.3004 |  3.2741 |  3.2013 |  3.1419 |  3.1782 | 3.1782  +**Ammonia**                  |                                                                                                 | 
-NH<sub>3</sub>                                    2022   0.0015  0.0190  0.1563 |  1.2267  3.0426 |  3.4504 |  2.9206 |  3.3062 |  3.2814 |  3.3428 |  3.3004 |  3.2741 |  3.2013 |  3.1419 3.1419          | +^ current submission   |  0.0015 |  0.0180 |  0.1482 |  1.1624 |  3.2281 |  3.2124 |  3.0579 |  2.8835 |  2.7108 |  2.5822 |  2.5074 |  2.3137 |  2.3137 | 
-NO<sub>x</sub>                                    | 2023   0.0001 |  0.0010 |  0.0084 |  0.0659 |  0.1634 |  0.1852 |  0.1568 |  0.1775 |  0.1762 |  0.1795 |  0.1772 |  0.1758 |  0.1719 |  0.1687 |  0.1706 | 0.1706  +^ previous submission  |  0.0015 |  0.0190 |  0.1563 |  1.2267 |  3.2814 |  3.3428 |  3.3004 |  3.2741 |  3.2013 |  3.1419 |  3.1782 |  3.1782 |         
-NO<sub>x</sub>                                    2022   0.0001  0.0010  0.0084  0.0659  0.1634  0.1852  0.1568  0.1775  0.1762  0.1795 |  0.1772 |  0.1758 |  0.1719 |  0.1687 0.1687          |+^ absolute change         0.00    0.00   -0.01   -0.06   -0.05   -0.13 |   -0.24 |   -0.39 |   -0.49 |   -0.56 |   -0.67 |   -0.86 |         | 
 +^ relative change [%]  |   -5.19 |   -5.19 |   -5.19 |   -5.24 |   -1.62   -3.90 |   -7.35 |  -11.93 |  -15.32 |  -17.81 |  -21.11 |  -27.20 |         | 
 +**Nitrogen oxides**  |                                                                                                         | 
 +^ current submission    0.0001 |  0.0010 |  0.0080 |  0.0624  0.1733 |  0.1725  0.1642  0.1548 |  0.1455 |  0.1386 |  0.1346 |  0.1242 |  0.1242 | 
 +^ previous submission  |  0.0001 |  0.0010 |  0.0084 |  0.0659 |  0.1762 |  0.1795 |  0.1772 |  0.1758 |  0.1719 |  0.1687 |  0.1706 |  0.1706 |         
 +^ absolute change         0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.01   -0.01   -0.02   -0.03   -0.03   -0.04   -0.05         | 
 +^ relative change [%]  |   -5.19 |   -5.19 |   -5.19 |   -5.24 |   -1.62 |   -3.90 |   -7.35 |  -11.93 |  -15.32 |  -17.81  -21.11 |  -27.20 |         |
-<WRAP center round info 60%>+<WRAP center round info 65%>
 For **pollutant-specific information on recalculated emission estimates for Base Year and 2021**, please see the tables following [[general:recalculations:start|chapter 8.1 - Recalculations]]. For **pollutant-specific information on recalculated emission estimates for Base Year and 2021**, please see the tables following [[general:recalculations:start|chapter 8.1 - Recalculations]].
 </WRAP> </WRAP>