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sector:ippu:mineral_industry:construction_demolition:start [2023/03/14 12:09] – [Table] kotzullasector:ippu:mineral_industry:construction_demolition:start [2024/11/06 13:54] (current) – external edit
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 ===== Short description ===== ===== Short description =====
-^ Category Code  ^  Method                                                                           ||||^  AD                                        ||||^  EF                              ||||| + Category Code                          ^  Method  ^  AD  ^  EF  ^ 
-| 2.A.5.b        |  T1                                                                               |||||  NS                                        |||||  CS                              ||||| + 2.A.5.b                                |  T1/T2   |  NS   CS  | 
-^                ^  NO<sub>x</sub>   NMVOC   SO<sub>2</sub>   NH<sub>3</sub>  ^  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  ^  PM<sub>10</sub>  TSP   BC   CO   Pb   Cd  ^  Hg  ^  Diox  ^  PAH  ^  HCB  ^ +|  {{page>general:Misc:LegendEIT:start}}                        |||| 
-Key Category:  |  -               |  -      |  -                -               |  -/-                L/              L/ |  -    -   |  -    -   |  -   |  -        |  -    |+ 
 + NO<sub>x</sub>                         |  NMVOC   SO<sub>2</sub>   NH<sub>3</sub>  ^  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  ^  PM<sub>10</sub>  ^ TSP   |  BC   CO   Heavy Metals   POPs  | 
 +|  NA                                     |  NA     |  NA              |  NA              |  -/-                L/              L/ |  NA  |  NA  |  NA            |  NA    
 +|  {{page>general:Misc:LegendKCA:start}}                                                                                                                                 |||||||||||
 \\ \\
-For particulate emissions, Construction is the second main emissions source in the Mineral industries.+With respect to particle emissions, construction is the second main emissions source in the Mineral industries.
 ===== Methodology ===== ===== Methodology =====
-Since the last update of the UNECE Guidebook we use the Tier 1 method to estimate the national emissions of particulate matters. The approach for uncontrolled fugitive emissions for this source category was adapted for national circumstances within a research Project (Umweltbundesamt, 2016) [(Umweltbundesamt, 2016: Development of Methods for the Generation of Emission Data for Air Pollutants from Building Activity and Construction Zones, Dessau-Roßlau, 2016 FILE?)], partly considered exiting control techniques. As a result, the information of the statistics is combined with modified default emission factors for TSP and PM.+Since the last update of the UNECE Guidebook, a Tier 1 method is applied to estimate particulate matter emissions. The T1 GB method is used by us with various adaptations to national conditions, so this is already higher tier, perhaps as T1/T2. 
 +The approach for uncontrolled fugitive emissions for this source category was adapted for national circumstances within a research Project (Umweltbundesamt, 2016) [(Umweltbundesamt, 2016: Development of Methods for the Generation of Emission Data for Air Pollutants from Building Activity and Construction Zones, Dessau-Roßlau, 2016,], partly considered exiting control techniques. As a result, the information of the statistics is combined with modified default emission factors for TSP and PM.
 ==== Activity data ==== ==== Activity data ====
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 ==== Emission factors ==== ==== Emission factors ====
-The emission factors used are results of Adaptation of UNECE-Defaults (EEA, 2016) [(EEA2016>EEA, 2016: EEA Report No 21/2016 EMEP EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2016, Copenhagen, 2016;], see chapter NFR 2.A.5.for different kind of buildings.+The emission factors used are results of Adaptation of UNECE-Defaults (EEA, 2016) [(EEA2023>EEA, 2023: EEA Report No 03/2023 EMEP EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2023, Copenhagen, 2023;].
-__Table 1: Overview of apllied emission factors__ +__Table 1: Overview of apllied emission factors, in [kg / m<sup>2</sup> * y, for roads in tons / km<sup>2</sup> * y]__ 
-^ Kind of building                 |^  Pollutant             |^  EF value      |^  Unit                      |^  EF trend          ||| +^ Kind of building              ^  Pollutant         ^  EF value  ^  EF trend  ^ 
-| single and two family houses     ||  TSP                   ||  0.0638        ||  kg/m<sup<2</sup> * y      ||  constant          ||+| single and two-family houses  |  TSP               |  0.0638    |  constant  | 
-single and two family houses     ||  PM<sub>10</sub>       ||  0.0191        ||  kg/m<sup<2</sup> * y      ||  constant          ||+:::                           |  PM<sub>10</sub>   |  0.0191    |  constant  | 
-single and two family houses     ||  PM<sub>2.5</sub>      ||  0.0019        ||  kg/m<sup<2</sup> * y      ||  constant          ||+:::                           |  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |  0.0019    |  constant  | 
-| apartment buildings              ||  TSP                   ||  0.329         ||  kg/m<sup<2</sup> * y      ||  constant          ||+| apartment buildings           |  TSP               |  0.329     |  constant  | 
-apartment buildings              ||  PM<sub>10</sub>       ||  0.099         ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          ||+:::                           |  PM<sub>10</sub>   |  0.099     |  constant  | 
-apartment buildings              ||  PM<sub>2.5</sub>      ||  0.0099        ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          ||+:::                           |  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |  0.0099    |  constant  | 
-| non-residential                  ||  TSP                   ||  0.631         ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          ||+| non-residential               |  TSP               |  0.631     |  constant  | 
-non-residential                  ||  PM<sub>10</sub>       ||  0.189         ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          ||+:::                           |  PM<sub>10</sub>   |  0.189     |  constant  | 
-non-residential                  ||  PM<sub>2.5</sub>      ||  0.0189        ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          ||+:::                           |  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |  0.0189    |  constant  | 
-| roads                            ||  TSP                   ||  1,674         ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          ||+| roads                         |  TSP               |  1,674     |  constant  | 
-roads                            ||  PM<sub>10</sub>       ||  502           ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          ||+:::                           |  PM<sub>10</sub>   |  502       |  constant  | 
-roads                            ||  PM<sub>2.5</sub>      ||  50.2          ||  kg/m²*y                   ||  constant          |||+:::                           |  PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |  50.2      |  constant  |
 Several further assumptions were necessary to use the formula of the Guidebook: Several further assumptions were necessary to use the formula of the Guidebook:
-| EM = EF*B*f*m     ||+| EM = EF * B * f * m     ||
-The EF is adapted with Moisture Level Correction factor and Silt Content Correction factor in all cases, both 0.20 and 2.22. The assumption about the duration of the construction activity uses the Default values (EEA, 2016)[(EEA2016)]:+The EF is adapted with Moisture Level Correction factor and Silt Content Correction factor in all cases, both 0.20 and 2.22. The assumption about the duration of the construction activity uses the Default values (EEA, 2023)[(EEA2023)]:
 ^ Type of building                                   ^^  Estimated duration (year)      ^^ ^ Type of building                                   ^^  Estimated duration (year)      ^^
 | Construction of houses (single and two family)     ||  0.5 (6 months)                 || | Construction of houses (single and two family)     ||  0.5 (6 months)                 ||
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 [{{:sector:ippu:mineral_industry:EM_2A5b_since_1990.PNG|**Emission trends in NFR 2.A.5.b**}}] [{{:sector:ippu:mineral_industry:EM_2A5b_since_1990.PNG|**Emission trends in NFR 2.A.5.b**}}]
 +Notes to PCB emissions of old buildings are given in chapter [[sector:ippu:pops_and_hm_consumption:start|2.K - Consumption of POPs and Heavy Metals]].
 ===== Recalculations ===== ===== Recalculations =====
-With **activity data** and **emission factors** remaining unrevised, no recalculations have been carried out compared to last year's submission. 
-<WRAP center round info 60%> +<WRAP center round info 65%> 
-For **pollutant-specific information on recalculated emission estimates for Base Year and 2019**, please see the pollutant specific recalculation tables following [[general:recalculations:start|chapter 8.1 - Recalculations]].+With **all input data remaining unrevised**, no recalculations were made compared to the previous submission.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 =====Planned improvements ===== =====Planned improvements =====