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 ====== Chapter 4 - NFR 2 - Industrial Processes and Product Use ====== ====== Chapter 4 - NFR 2 - Industrial Processes and Product Use ======
 +Industrial processes are an important emission source for most pollutants. Due to Germany's high-level, differentiated industry featuring numerous companies and a large number of plants for each sector, emission estimation for industrial processes is very complex. Please refer to the sub-sections below for details.
 +In the area of industrial processes, production data from association statistics and of manufacturers' information is used. In the interest of the inventory's completeness and reliability, checking of source-category definitions and data-collection methods will stay a priority where emissions reporting is based on such sources. The inventory is considered complete for the main industrial processes.
 +[!-- (Should be described at the source category level) Nevertheless, there are still certain categories awaiting further examination, though only negligible contributions to the national total emissions are expected. --]
 +**NFR 2 consists of the following and sub-categories:**
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Start| 2.A Mineral Industry]]                                                                                   ^
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Cement_Production:Start| 2.A.1 Cement Production]]                                                              |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Lime_Production:Start| 2.A.2 Lime Production]]                                                                  |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Glass_Production:Start| 2.A.3 Glass Production]]                                                                |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Quarrying_Mining:Start| 2.A.5.a Quarrying and Mining of Minerals other than Coal]]                              |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Construction_Demolition:Start| 2.A.5.b Construction and Demolition]]                                            |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Storage_Handling_Transport_Minerals:Start| 2.A.5.c Storage, Handling and Transport of Mineral Products]]        |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Mineral_Industry:Other_Mineral_Products:Start| 2.A.6 Other Mineral Products]]                                                    |
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Start| 2.B Chemical Industry]]                                                                                 ^
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Ammonia_Production:Start| 2.B.1 Ammonia Production]]                                                           |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Nitric_Acid_Production:Start| 2.B.2 Nitric Acid Production]]                                                   |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Adipic_Acid_Production:Start| 2.B.3 Adipic Acid Production]]                                                   |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Carbide_Production:Start| 2.B.5 Carbide Production]]                                                           |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Titanium_Dioxide_Production:Start| 2.B.6 Titanium Dioxide Production]]                                         |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Soda_Ash_Production:Start| 2.B.7 Soda Ash Production]]                                                         |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Other:Start| 2.B.10.a Other]]                                                                                  |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Chemical_Industry:Storage_Handling_Transport_Chemicals:Start| 2.B.10.b Storage, Handling and Transport of Chemical Products]]    |
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Start| 2.C Metal Industry]]                                                                                   ^
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Iron_And_Steel_Production:Start| 2.C.1 Iron and Steel Production]]                                              |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Ferroalloys_Production:Start| 2.C.2 Ferroalloys Production]]                                                    |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Aluminum_Production:Start| 2.C.3 Aluminum Production]]                                                          |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Magnesium_Production:Start| 2.C.4 Magnesium Production]]                                                        |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Lead_Production:Start| 2.C.5 Lead Production]]                                                                  |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Zinc_Production:Start| 2.C.6 Zinc Production]]                                                                  |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Copper_Production:Start| 2.C.7.a Copper Production]]                                                            |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Nickel_Production:Start| 2.C.7.b Nickel Production]]                                                            |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Other_Metal_Production:Start| 2.C.7.c Other Metal_Production]]                                                  |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Metal_Production:Storage_Handling_Transport_Metals:Start| 2.C.7.d Storage, Handling and Transport of Metal Products]]            |
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Start| 2.D Other Solvent and Product Use]]                                                         ^
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Domestic_Solvent_Use:Start| 2.D.3.a Domestic Solvent Use including fungicides]]                    |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Road_Paving:Start| 2.D.3.b Road Paving with Asphalt]]                                              |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Asphalt_Roofing:Start| 2.D.3.c Asphalt Roofing]]                                                   |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Coating_Applications:Start| 2.D.3.d Coating Applications]]                                         |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Degreasing:Start| 2.D.3.e Degreasing]]                                                             |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Dry_Cleaning:Start| 2.D.3.f Dry Cleaning]]                                                         |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Chemical_Products:Start| 2.D.3.g Chemical Products]]                                               |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Printing:Start| 2.D.3.h Printing]]                                                                 |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Solvent_And_Product_Use:Other_Solvent_Use:Start| 2.D.3.i Other Solvent Use]]                                               |
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Product_Use:Start| 2.G Other_Product_Use]]                                                                                 ^
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Product_Use:Fireworks:Start| 2.G.4 Use of Fireworks]]                                                                      |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Product_Use:Tobacco:Start| 2.G.4 Use of Tobacco]]                                                                          |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Other_Product_Use:Charcoal:Start| 2.G.4 Charcoal]]                                                                               |
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Pulp_Paper_Food:Start| 2.H Other (Pulp & Paper, Food)]]                                                                          ^
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Pulp_Paper_Food:Pulp_And_Paper_Industry:Start| 2.H.1 Pulp and Paper Industry]]                                                   |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Pulp_Paper_Food:Food_And_Beverages:Start| 2.H.2 Food and Beverages Industry]]                                                    |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Pulp_Paper_Food:Other_Industrial_Processes:Start| 2.H.3 Other Industrial Processes]]                                             |
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Wood_Processing:Start| 2.I Wood Processing]]                                                                                     ^
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:POP_Production:Start| 2.J Production of POPs]]                                                                                   ^
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:POPs_and_HM_Consumption:Start| 2.K Consumption of POPs and Heavy Metals]]                                                        ^
 +^ [[Sector:IPPU:Bulk_Products:Start| 2.L Other Production, Consumption, Storage, Transportation or Handling of Bulk Products]]                   ^
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Bulk_Products:Handling_of_Bulk_Products:Start| 2.L(a) Handling of Bulk Products]]                                                |
 +| [[Sector:IPPU:Bulk_Products:Diffuse_Emissions_from_Industrial_Establishments:Start| 2.L(b) Diffuse Emissions From Industrial Establishments]]  |
 +===== Visual overview =====
 +__Emission trends for main pollutants in //NFR 2 - Industrial Processes//:__
 +{{ :sector:iir_nfr2.png?nolink&direct&700 |NFR 2 emission trends per category }}
 +{{ :sector:iir_nfr2_from_2005.png?nolink&direct&700 |NFR 2 emission trends per category, from 2005 }}
 +__Contribution of NFRs 1 to 6 to the National Totals, for 2022__
 +{{ :sector:mainpollutants_sharesnfrs_incl_transport.png?direct&direct&700 | Percental contributions of NFRs 1 to 6 to the National Totals}}