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general:uncertainty_evaluation:start [2022/03/02 12:02] – [Table] Update to submission 2022 values hausmanngeneral:uncertainty_evaluation:start [2023/03/03 07:44] – [NMVOC] Update to 2021 data hausmann
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 Germany currently reports detailed uncertainty information for five pollutants: NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, NMVOC, NH<sub>3</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub>. While detailed spreadsheet tables are available for download below, the following table offers a quick overview and comparison per pollutants at the level of the national totals: Germany currently reports detailed uncertainty information for five pollutants: NO<sub>x</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, NMVOC, NH<sub>3</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub>. While detailed spreadsheet tables are available for download below, the following table offers a quick overview and comparison per pollutants at the level of the national totals:
-^                   ^ Base year [kt]  ^ 2020 [kt]  ^ Trend [%]  ^ Method  ^  Base year uncertainty [%]           |^  2020 uncertainty [%]           |^  Trend uncertainty [%]            || +^                   ^ Base year [kt]  ^ 2021 [kt]  ^ Trend [%]  ^ Method  ^  Base year uncertainty [%]           |^  2021 uncertainty [%]           |^  Trend uncertainty [%]           || 
-^ NO<sub>x</sub>    |           2,835 |        979     -65.46 | EP      |  27,68                               ||  18,49                          ||  11,73                            || +^ NO<sub>x</sub>    |           2,843 |        969      -65.| EP      |  10.7                                ||  15.4                           ||  9.7                             || 
-|                                                            |||| MC      |                      -10,92 |  +14,19                  -9,19 |  +15,82                  -12,97   +16,12 +|                                                            |||| MC      |  -6.7                       |  +9.9    -8.5                  |  +15.0   -10.2                   +13.7  
-^ SO<sub>2</sub>    |           5,460 |        233     -95.74 | EP      |  8,69                                ||  8,14                           ||  1,54                             || +^ SO<sub>2</sub>    |           5,464 |        254      -95.| EP      |  8.7                                 ||  8.4                            ||  1.7                             || 
-|                                                            |||| MC      |                       -8,07   +8,93                  -6,66   +6,88                   -1,62    +1,72 +|                                                            |||| MC      |  -8.1                        +8.9    -6.7                   +7.1    -1.8                    +1.9   
-^ NMVOC                       3,892 |      1,036     -73.38 | EP      |  23,35                               ||  33,48                          ||  20,94                            || +^ NMVOC                       3,949 |      1,044      -73.| EP      |  17.1                                ||  32.5                           ||  20.3                            || 
-|                                                            |||| MC      |                      -14,51 |  +23,08                 -15,91 |  +31,28                  -20,40   +29,01 +|                                                            |||| MC      |  -9.7                       |  +15.7   -15.5                 |  +30.3   -16.7                   +26.5  
-^ NH<sub>3</sub>    |             718 |        537     -25.19 | EP      |  12,68                               ||  10,33                          ||  12,80                            || +^ NH<sub>3</sub>    |             726 |        516      -28.| EP      |  10.1                                ||  10.0                           ||  11.8                            || 
-|                                                            |||| MC      |                      -10,15 |  +11,68                  -9,44   +9,74                 -102,31 |  +107,78 +|                                                            |||| MC      |  -9.4                       |  +9.9    -9.2                   +9.6    -64.4                  |  +70.9  
-^ PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |             202 |         81     -59.89 | EP      |  23,30                               ||  29,95                          ||  16,99                            || +^ PM<sub>2.5</sub>  |             202 |         83      -58.| EP      |  21.6                                ||  32.0                           ||  18.7                            || 
-|                                                            |||| MC      |                      -10,87 |  +12,96                 -17,11 |  +19,57                  -14,33   +16,47 |+|                                                            |||| MC      |  -8.8                       |  +10.5   -18.4                 |  +21.4   -15.2                   +17.7  |
 ===== Uncertainties per pollutant ===== ===== Uncertainties per pollutant =====
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 {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:nox.png?nolink}} {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:nox.png?nolink}}
-Compared to other pollutants, NO<sub>x</sub> emission uncertainties are moderate. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -8.7% to +14% in 2019, which amounts to about 250kt of NO<sub>x</sub>. Interestingly, with NO<sub>x</sub>, the differences between the two approaches in uncertainty combination (EP and MC) are particularly visible. This is because of the highest contributing sector [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D - Agricultural Soils]], where emissions and uncertainties are high (> +300%) and, crucially, do not follow a normal distribution. Therefore, only the MC simulation, which takes the log-normal distribution of these emissions into account, correctly reflects this source, while the EP yields unrealistic high uncertainties at more than 18%.+Compared to other pollutants, NO<sub>x</sub> emission uncertainties are moderate. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -8.5% to +15.0% in 2021, which amounts to about 230kt of NO<sub>x</sub>. Interestingly, with NO<sub>x</sub>, the differences between the two approaches in uncertainty combination (EP and MC) are particularly visible. This is because of the highest contributing sector [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D - Agricultural Soils]], where emissions and uncertainties are high (> +300%) and, crucially, do not follow a normal distribution. Therefore, only the MC simulation, which takes the log-normal distribution of these emissions into account, correctly reflects this source, while the EP yields unrealistic high uncertainties at about 15.4in both directions.
-Using the MC simulation, the top three contributors to the overall uncertainty are [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:transport:road_transport:emissions_from_fuel_combustion_in_road_vehicles:passenger_cars|1.A.3.b i Road transport: Passenger cars]], [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.Inorganic N-fertilizers]] and [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.2.Animal manure applied to soils]]. [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b.i - ResidentialStationary]] and [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.2.Other organic fertilisers applied to soils]] are other important sector in regard to NO<sub>x</sub> overall uncertainties. Please refer to the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_nox.xlsx | spreadsheet file}} for details.+Using the MC simulation, the top three contributors to the overall uncertainty are [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.Inorganic N-fertilizers]], [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.2.a Animal manure applied to soils]] and [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.2.Other organic fertilisers applied to soils]]. [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:transport:road_transport:emissions_from_fuel_combustion_in_road_vehicles:passenger_cars|1.A.3.b i - Road transportPassenger cars]] and [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b.Residential: Stationary]] are other important sector in regard to NO<sub>x</sub> overall uncertainties. Please refer to the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_nox.xlsx | spreadsheet file}} for details.
 ==== SO2 ==== ==== SO2 ====
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-SO<sub>2</sub> emissions are mainly emitted by stationary combustion plants. Since those are heavily regulated and fuel sulphur contents are generally well known, uncertainties in SO<sub>2</sub> emissions are low. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -6.5% to +6.9% in 2019, which amounts to about 35kt of SO<sub>2</sub>. The top contributing sector to the SO<sub>2</sub> uncertainties is [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:energy_industries:public_electricity_and_heat_production|1.A.1.a - Public Electricity And Heat Production]], followed by a rather big margin by [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:energy_industries:petroleum_refining|1.A.1.b - Petroleum Refining]], [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b i - Residential: Stationary Combustion]], as well as [[sector:ippu:metal_production:iron_and_steel_production:start|2.C.1 - Iron and Steel Production]]. All data is available in the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_so2.xlsx | spreadsheet file}}.+SO<sub>2</sub> emissions are mainly emitted by stationary combustion plants. Since those are heavily regulated and fuel sulphur contents are generally well known, uncertainties in SO<sub>2</sub> emissions are low. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -6.7% to +7.1% in 2021, which amounts to about 35kt of SO<sub>2</sub>. The top contributing sector to the SO<sub>2</sub> uncertainties is [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:energy_industries:public_electricity_and_heat_production|1.A.1.a - Public Electricity And Heat Production]], followed by a rather big margin by [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:energy_industries:petroleum_refining|1.A.1.b - Petroleum Refining]], [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b i - Residential: Stationary Combustion]], as well as [[sector:ippu:metal_production:iron_and_steel_production:start|2.C.1 - Iron and Steel Production]]. All data is available in the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_so2.xlsx | spreadsheet file}}.
 ==== NMVOC ==== ==== NMVOC ====
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-NMVOC emissions and trends are driven by solvent use. While solvent contents of most products are well known, application context and use statistics introduce significant model error bars. Agriculture emissions of NMVOC are, while not very high in value, very uncertain and also contribute to the overall error margins. In sum, NMVOC emissions show moderate to high uncertainty. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -15% to +29% in 2019, which amounts to about 500kt of NMVOC. In order of significance, the top five contributors are [[sector:agriculture:manure_management:start|3.B - Manure Management - Dairy cattle]], [[sector:agriculture:manure_management:start|3.B.1.b Manure management - Non-dairy cattle]], [[sector:ippu:other_solvent_and_product_use:domestic_solvent_use:start|2.D.3.a - Domestic Solvent Use, including Fungicides]], [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b.i - Residential: Stationary Combustion]] as well as [[sector:ippu:other_solvent_and_product_use:coating_applications:start|2.D.3.d - Coating Application]]. As with the other pollutants, details are to be found in the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_nmvoc.xlsx | spreadsheet file}}.+NMVOC emissions and trends are driven by solvent use. While solvent contents of most products are well known, application context and use statistics introduce significant model error bars. Agriculture emissions of NMVOC are, while not very high in value, very uncertain and also contribute to the overall error margins. In sum, NMVOC emissions show moderate to high uncertainty. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -15.5% to +30.3% in 2021, which amounts to about 480kt of NMVOC. In order of significance, the top five contributors are [[sector:agriculture:manure_management:start|3.B - Manure Management - Dairy cattle]], [[sector:agriculture:manure_management:start|3.B.1.b Manure management - Non-dairy cattle]], [[sector:ippu:other_solvent_and_product_use:domestic_solvent_use:start|2.D.3.a - Domestic Solvent Use, including Fungicides]], [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b.i - Residential: Stationary Combustion]] as well as [[sector:ippu:other_solvent_and_product_use:coating_applications:start|2.D.3.d - Coating Application]]. As with the other pollutants, details are to be found in the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_nmvoc.xlsx | spreadsheet file}}.
 ==== NH3 ==== ==== NH3 ====
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-Uncertainty in the NH<sub>3</sub> emission national total is moderate and mainly caused by agriculture sources, in particular [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.2.a - Animal manure applied to soils]]. [[sector:agriculture:manure_management:start|3.B.3 - Manure management - Swine]] and [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.1 - Inorganic N-fertilizers]] do also play significant roles. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -9.5% to +9.9% in 2019, which amounts to about 120kt of NH<sub>3</sub>. You can drive your own analysis with the numbers found in the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_nh3.xlsx | spreadsheet file}} attached.+Uncertainty in the NH<sub>3</sub> emission national total is moderate and mainly caused by agriculture sources, in particular [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.2.a - Animal manure applied to soils]]. [[sector:agriculture:manure_management:start|3.B.3 - Manure management - Swine]], [[sector:agriculture:manure_management:start|3.B - Manure Management - Dairy cattle]] and [[sector:agriculture:agricultural_soils:start|3.D.a.1 - Inorganic N-fertilizers]] do also play significant roles. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -9.4% to +9.7% in 2020, which amounts to about 100kt of NH<sub>3</sub>. You can drive your own analysis with the numbers found in the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_nh3.xlsx | spreadsheet file}} attached.
 ==== PM2.5 ==== ==== PM2.5 ====
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-PM<sub>2.5</sub> emissions are associated with high uncertainties. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -16.5% to +19% in 2019, which amounts to about 30kt of PM<sub>2.5</sub>. Two sectors contribute the bulk of these errors: [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b.i - Residential: Stationary Combustion]] and [[sector:ippu:bulk_products:handling_of_bulk_products:start|2.L - Other production, consumption, storage, transportation or handling of bulk products]]. Germany is also one of the few countries that reports abrasion under [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:transport:railways:start|1.A.3.c - Transport: Railways]], adding noticeably to both emission values and uncertainties. Please refer to the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_pm2.5.xlsx | spreadsheet file}} for details.+PM<sub>2.5</sub> emissions are associated with high uncertainties. The national total has a 95% confidence interval of about -17.1% to +19.6% in 2020, which amounts to about 30kt of PM<sub>2.5</sub>. Two sectors contribute the bulk of these errors: [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:small_combustion:stationary_small_combustion:residential|1.A.4.b.i - Residential: Stationary Combustion]] and [[sector:ippu:bulk_products:handling_of_bulk_products:start|2.L - Other production, consumption, storage, transportation or handling of bulk products]]. Germany is also one of the few countries that reports abrasion under [[sector:energy:fuel_combustion:transport:railways:start|1.A.3.c - Transport: Railways]], adding noticeably to both emission values and uncertainties. Please refer to the {{general:uncertainty_evaluation:uncertainty_details_pm2.5.xlsx | spreadsheet file}} for details.
 ===== Other pollutants ===== ===== Other pollutants =====
 There is currently no uncertainty assessment for additional air pollutants, heavy metals and POPs. Germany seeks to expand the list of pollutants covered as resources allow. There is currently no uncertainty assessment for additional air pollutants, heavy metals and POPs. Germany seeks to expand the list of pollutants covered as resources allow.