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sector:energy:start [2021/04/21 11:06] – [Visual overview] gniffkesector:energy:start [2024/11/06 13:50] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Chapter 3 - NFR 1 - Energy ====== ====== Chapter 3 - NFR 1 - Energy ======
-Energy and heat generation constitute the most important sources of emissions in Germany. This holds true for almost every pollutant (a prominent exception of this rule being ammonia, mainly from agriculture). Consequently, this section will look into the sub-sectors making up the //NFR 1 - Energy// sector with great detail. For overview information on key activity statistics and the basis for fuel based estimates please refer to the [[[Methodical Issues|Methods and Data Sources]]] section.+Energy and heat generation constitute the most important sources of emissions in Germany. This holds true for almost every pollutant (a prominent exception of this rule being ammonia, mainly from agriculture). Consequently, this section will look into the sub-sectors making up the //NFR 1 - Energy// sector with great detail. For overview information on key activity statistics and the basis for fuel based estimates please refer to [[general:method_data:start|Chapter 1.4 - Methods and Data Sources]].
 NFR 1 consists of the following sub-categories: NFR 1 consists of the following sub-categories:
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 ===== Visual overview ===== ===== Visual overview =====
-__Chart showing emission trends for main pollutants in //NFR 1 - Energy//:__ + 
-[{{:sector:iir_nfr1.png?direct&nolink&600|NFR 1 emission trends per category}}] +__Emission trends for main pollutants in //NFR 1 - Energy//:__ 
-__Contribution of NFR categories to the emissions/Anteile der NFR-Kategorien an den Emissionen__ +{{ :sector:iir_nfr1.png?direct&700 |NFR 1 emission trends per category }} 
-[{{:sector:cats_pollutants_inkl_transport.png?nolink&direct&600|Contribution of NFR categories to the emissions}}]+{{ :sector:iir_nfr1_from_2005.png?direct&700 |NFR 1 emission trends per category, from 2005 }} 
 +__Contribution of NFRs 1 to 6 to the National Totals, for 2021__ 
 +{{ :sector:mainpollutants_sharesnfrs_incl_transport.png?direct&direct&700 Percental contributions of NFRs 1 to 6 to the National Totals}}