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sector:ippu:bulk_products:handling_of_bulk_products:start [2021/04/14 06:43] kotzullasector:ippu:bulk_products:handling_of_bulk_products:start [2021/04/14 08:00] kotzulla
Line 33: Line 33:
 For estimating the amount of moved bulk materials as well as emissions from the loading and unloading of bulk materials, these primary activity data (PAD, including the amounts of imported and exported goods as well as goods transported within Germany) have to be calculated from the amounts of transported goods: For estimating the amount of moved bulk materials as well as emissions from the loading and unloading of bulk materials, these primary activity data (PAD, including the amounts of imported and exported goods as well as goods transported within Germany) have to be calculated from the amounts of transported goods:
-PAD<sub>material i</sub> = PAD<sub>import</sub> + PAD<sub>export</sub> + 2 * PAD<sub>domestic</sub> +<WRAP center round info 60%> 
 +PAD<sub>material i</sub> = PAD<sub>import</sub> + PAD<sub>export</sub> + 2 * PAD<sub>domestic handling</sub> 
 with  with 
-  - PAD<sub>import<sub>amounts of imported goods+  - PAD<sub>import</sub> = amount of imported good or material
-  - PAD<sub>export<sub>amounts of exported goods and +  - PAD<sub>export</sub> = amount of exported good or material and 
-  - PAD<sub>domestic<sub>amounts of goods transported only within Germany +  - PAD<sub>domestic handling</sub> = amount of good or material transported only within Germany 
 As the basic statistics provide only total amounts of imported, exported and domestically transported dry goods without any distinction into bulk and packed goods, the shares of bulk goods had to be estimated via expert judgement during the workshop mentioned above. As the basic statistics provide only total amounts of imported, exported and domestically transported dry goods without any distinction into bulk and packed goods, the shares of bulk goods had to be estimated via expert judgement during the workshop mentioned above.
Line 47: Line 48:
 So the activity data finally used for estimating specific particulate matter emissions for every bulk material is calculated as a specific share //s// of the amount of this material //i// loaded and/or unloaded within Germany: So the activity data finally used for estimating specific particulate matter emissions for every bulk material is calculated as a specific share //s// of the amount of this material //i// loaded and/or unloaded within Germany:
-[[math]] +<WRAP center round info 60%> 
-\begin{gather} +AD<sub>bulk material i</sub> PAD<sub>bulk material i</sub> * s<sub> bulk share</sub> 
-AD_\text{ bulk material iPAD_\text{ material i} \cdot s_\text{ bulk share material i} +</WRAP>
-\end{gather} +
-[[/math]] +
-__Table 2: Amounts of dry, dusty bulk goods handled in Germany 2010-2018, in tonnes__ +__Table 2: Amounts of dry, dusty bulk goods handled in Germany 2010-2019, in tonnes__ 
-||= **Product / Good / Material** ||= **Mode of transport** ||= **2010** ||= **2011** ||= **2012** ||= **2013** ||= **2014** ||= **2015** ||= **2016** ||= **2017** ||= **2018** ||= +                                            ^  transport mode      ^  2010          ^  2015          ^  2016            ^  2017             ^  2018             ^  2019             ^ 
-||~ other herbal products ||< inland vessel ||> 5,523,633 ||> 5,711,645 ||> 6,541,031 ||> 6,529,161 ||> 38,829,323 ||> 39,189,603 ||> 38,498,874 ||> 34,508,319 ||> 30,305,094 ||= +other herbal products                        inland vessel            5.523.633 |     39.189.603 |       38.498.874 |        34.508.319 |        30.305.094        30.305.094 | 
-||< ||< railways ||> 1,242,916 ||> 1,242,916 ||> 170,158 ||> 807,829 ||> 17,868 ||> 470,000 ||> 547,545 ||> 532,253 ||> 445,547 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                 1.242.916 |        470.000 |          547.545 |           532.253 |           445.547           445.547 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 20,847,400 ||> 30,967,600 ||> 29,445,800 ||> 28,094,800 ||> 34,166,200 ||> 34,166,200 ||> 22,918,493 ||> 24,118,587 ||> 35,511,100 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      20.847.400 |     34.166.200 |    22.918.493,25     24.118.587,36     35.511.099,79     35.511.099,79 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 4,052,384 ||> 6,083,248 ||> 5,690,857 ||> 6,321,278 ||> 6,052,546 ||> 6,376,068 ||> 7,164,149 ||> 6,953,293 ||> 6,614,999 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         4.052.384 |      6.376.068 |        7.164.149 |         6.953.293 |         6.614.999         6.614.999 | 
-||~ raw mineral chemicals ||< inland vessel ||> 6,794,922 ||> 11,213,581 ||> 11,750,342 ||> 12,044,542 ||> 2,556,501 ||> 2,366,579 ||> 2,573,770 ||> 2,696,029 ||> 11,798,872 ||= +raw mineral chemicals                        inland vessel            6.794.922 |      2.366.579 |        2.573.770 |         2.696.029 |        11.798.872        11.798.872 | 
-||< ||< railways ||> 9,827,059 ||> 9,827,059 ||> 10,158,766 ||> 9,139,348 ||> 10,472,017 ||> 9,273,000 ||> 9,627,577 ||> 9,885,631 ||> 10,634,917 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                 9.827.059 |      9.273.000 |        9.627.577 |         9.885.631 |        10.634.917        10.634.917 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 78,928,400 ||> 89,219,400 ||> 83,315,200 ||> 84,937,600 ||> 82,363,000 ||> 82,363,000 ||> 10,043,513 ||> 11,351,314 ||> 63,713,624 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      78.928.400 |     82.363.000 |     10.043.512,    11.351.314,18     63.713.624,39     63.713.624,39 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 5,550,621 ||> 8,904,300 ||> 8,692,669 ||> 8,768,942 ||> 8,741,513 ||> 7,905,516 ||> 7,888,208 ||> 8,131,408 ||> 7,386,700 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         5.550.621 |      7.905.516 |        7.888.208 |         8.131.408 |         7.386.700         7.386.700 | 
-||~ raw organic chemicals ||< inland vessel ||> 6,299,350 ||> 6,310,746 ||> 6,636,096 ||> 6,417,766 ||> 171,884 ||> 57,126 ||> 114,803 ||> 175,726 ||> 6,667,823 ||= +raw organic chemicals                        inland vessel            6.299.350 |         57.126 |          114.803 |           175.726 |       6.667.823,      6.667.823,3 
-||< ||< railways ||> 16,287,803 ||> 16,287,803 ||> 19,006,897 ||> 17,965,252 ||> 17,716,320 ||> 21,094,000 ||> 18,661,643 ||> 18,339,593 ||> 0 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                16.287.803 |     21.094.000 |       18.661.643 |        18.339.593 |                 0                 0 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 11,345,600 ||> 5,875,200 ||> 5,293,800 ||> 5,192,200 ||> 4,570,800 ||> 4,570,800 ||> 0 ||> 828,916 ||> 12,601,908 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      11.345.600 |      4.570.800 |                0 |        828.915,62     12.601.907,86     12.601.907,86 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 3,638,264 ||> 2,630,859 ||> 2,502,315 ||> 2,690,538 ||> 3,182,266 ||> 2,478,579 ||> 2,341,016 ||> 2,413,459 ||> 2,463,615 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         3.638.264 |      2.478.579 |        2.341.016 |         2.413.459 |         2.463.615         2.463.615 | 
-||~ iron ore ||< inland vessel ||> 25,728,177 ||> 23,048,502 ||> 21,885,592 ||> 23,312,725 ||> 24,389,450 ||> 25,203,179 ||> 25,755,504 ||> 25,193,580 ||> 22,796,286 ||= +iron ore                                     inland vessel           25.728.177 |     25.203.179 |       25.755.504 |        25.193.580 |      22.796.286,     22.796.286,
-||< ||< railways ||> 38,565,334 ||> 38,565,334 ||> 37,513,305 ||> 37,215,277 ||> 39,012,340 ||> 37,708,000 ||> 37,434,377 ||> 37,586,847 ||> 38,252,864 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                38.565.334 |     37.708.000 |       37.434.377 |        37.586.847 |        38.252.864        38.252.864 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 203,800 ||> 1,502,000 ||> 1,166,000 ||> NE ||> NE ||> NE ||> 1,764,223 ||> 534,846 ||> 1,680,885 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle         203.800 |             NE |     1.764.223,28         534.846,     1.680.884,75      1.680.884,75 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 13,922,885 ||> 12,702,983 ||> 13,397,347 ||> 14,028,077 ||> 14,444,514 ||> 13,967,430 ||> 13,365,447 ||> 14,810,135 ||> 14,761,129 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel        13.922.885 |     13.967.430 |       13.365.447 |        14.810.135 |        14.761.129        14.761.129 | 
-||~ crops ||< inland vessel ||> 9,816,233 ||> 9,348,956 ||> 9,693,828 ||> 11,180,006 ||> 11,452,177 ||> 11,243,918 ||> 10,046,500 ||> 9,546,963 ||> 7,715,977 ||= +crops                                        inland vessel            9.816.233 |     11.243.918 |       10.046.500 |         9.546.963 |       7.715.976,      7.715.976,
-||< ||< railways ||> 2,982,548 ||> 2,982,548 ||> 2,446,615 ||> 1,994,499 ||> 2,688,008 ||> 4,583,000 ||> 3,545,040 ||> 3,759,205 ||> 2,985,786 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                 2.982.548 |      4.583.000 |        3.545.040 |         3.759.205 |         2.985.786         2.985.786 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 65,464,800 ||> 65,723,600 ||> 63,027,200 ||> 63,948,600 ||> 70,614,200 ||> 70,614,200 ||> 58,304,413 ||> 61,639,154 ||> 58,957,570 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      65.464.800 |     70.614.200 |    58.304.412,81      61.639.153,    58.957.569,61     58.957.569,61 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 9,319,143 ||> 7,155,770 ||> 7,103,932 ||> 10,159,483 ||> 10,599,072 ||> 12,142,981 ||> 10,735,948 ||> 8,851,781 ||> 7,672,262 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         9.319.143 |     12.142.981 |       10.735.948 |         8.851.781 |         7.672.262         7.672.262 | 
-||~ potatoes ||< inland vessel ||> 1,383 ||> 1,620 ||> 30 ||> 1,034 ||> NE ||> 0 ||> 0 ||> 1,056 ||> 0 ||= +potatoes                                     inland vessel                1.383 |              0 |                0 |             1.056 |                 0                 0 | 
-||< ||< railways ||> 17,135 ||> 17,135 ||> 38,819 ||> 38,425 ||> 9,898 ||> 0 ||> 0 ||> 4,581,528 ||> 4,896,748 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                    17.135 |              0 |                0 |         4.581.528 |         4.896.748         4.896.748 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 10,627,000 ||> 10,136,400 ||> 10,056,600 ||> 11,717,000 ||> 9,956,800 ||> 9,956,800 ||> 4,683,480 ||> 5,039,904 ||> 9,621,800 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      10.627.000 |      9.956.800 |      4.683.479,     5.039.904,39      9.621.800,34      9.621.800,34 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 29,296,456 ||> 26,293,129 ||> 29,732,990 ||> 23,583,567 ||> 23,943,784 ||> 21,170,067 ||> 20,406,870 ||> 22,490,149 ||> 20,701,636 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel        29.296.456 |     21.170.067 |       20.406.870 |        22.490.149 |        20.701.636        20.701.636 | 
-||~ coal products ||< inland vessel ||> 2,409,311 ||> 1,961,483 ||> 1,315,205 ||> 1,665,936 ||> 1,871,597 ||> 1,361,655 ||> 2,003,004 ||> 2,129,778 ||> 1,560,991 ||= +coal products                                inland vessel            2.409.311 |      1.361.655 |        2.003.004 |         2.129.778 |       1.560.991,      1.560.991,
-||< ||< railways ||> 22,499,503 ||> 22,499,503 ||> 8,513,061 ||> 9,144,558 ||> 7,120,072 ||> 6,721,000 ||> 6,610,955 ||> 6,456,917 ||> 8,421,754 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                22.499.503 |      6.721.000 |        6.610.955 |         6.456.917 |         8.421.754         8.421.754 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 11,801,600 ||> 12,236,800 ||> 10,278,800 ||> 10,415,800 ||> 15,401,600 ||> 15,401,600 ||> 7,065,314 ||> 8,549,595 ||> 13,182,782 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      11.801.600 |     15.401.600 |     7.065.313,67      8.549.595,42     13.182.781,81     13.182.781,81 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 802,164 ||> 398,570 ||> 59,335 ||> 53,695 ||> 72,473 ||> 48,778 ||> 43,760 ||> 135,197 ||> 25,450 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel           802.164 |         48.778 |           43.760 |           135.197 |            25.450            25.450 | 
-||~ proiducts from grinding and shelling mills ||< inland vessel ||> 1,782,712 ||> 2,567,049 ||> 3,086,180 ||> 2,871,889 ||> 3,200,833 ||> 4,133,053 ||> 5,180,094 ||> 5,368,877 ||> 5,275,005 ||= +proiducts from grinding and shelling mills   inland vessel            1.782.712 |      4.133.053 |        5.180.094 |         5.368.877 |       5.275.004,      5.275.004,
-||< ||< railways ||> 2,852 ||> 2,852 ||> 328,857 ||> 350,368 ||> 362,180 ||> 0 ||> 465,039 ||> 381,098 ||> 349,419 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                     2.852 |              0 |          465.039 |           381.098 |           349.419           349.419 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 97,539,400 ||> 106,391,800 ||> 104,354,000 ||> 101,813,400 ||> 99,568,200 ||> 99,568,200 ||> 75,685,582 ||> 69,634,714 ||> 99,763,916 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      97.539.400 |     99.568.200 |    75.685.582,42     69.634.714,07     99.763.916,17     99.763.916,17 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 3,104,125 ||> 3,995,488 ||> 3,971,495 ||> 3,638,766 ||> 3,903,447 ||> 3,525,359 ||> 3,586,612 ||> 3,747,650 ||> 3,788,108 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         3.104.125 |      3.525.359 |        3.586.612 |         3.747.650 |         3.788.108         3.788.108 | 
-||~ mineral fertilisers ||< inland vessel ||> 760,174 ||> 390,276 ||> 304,450 ||> 279,444 ||> 271,253 ||> 305,202 ||> 281,603 ||> 255,398 ||> 197,705 ||= +mineral fertilisers                          inland vessel              760.174 |        305.202 |          281.603 |           255.398 |           197.705           197.705 | 
-||< ||< railways ||> 4,122,535 ||> 4,122,535 ||> 3,890,715 ||> 3,684,926 ||> 3,578,700 ||> 3,424,000 ||> 3,619,997 ||> 3,581,858 ||> 3,224,654 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                 4.122.535 |      3.424.000 |        3.619.997 |         3.581.858 |         3.224.654         3.224.654 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 7,923,200 ||> 6,028,800 ||> 2,236,000 ||> 2,532,400 ||> 4,322,000 ||> 4,322,000 ||> 1,338,908 ||> 1,006,750 ||> 1,814,964 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle       7.923.200 |      4.322.000 |     1.338.907,89      1.006.750,39      1.814.963,65      1.814.963,65 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 117,224 ||> 563,030 ||> 348,447 ||> 395,809 ||> 507,459 ||> 409,515 ||> 256,924 ||> 323,622 ||> 311,822 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel           117.224 |        409.515 |          256.924 |           323.622 |           311.822           311.822 | 
-||~ natural sands, gravel and stones ||< inland vessel ||> 40,518,020 ||> 40,340,856 ||> 38,487,658 ||> 35,673,470 ||> 34,713,430 ||> 31,927,501 ||> 33,178,046 ||> 36,072,381 ||> 35,475,139 ||= +natural sands, gravel and stones             inland vessel           40.518.020 |     31.927.501 |       33.178.046 |        36.072.381 |      35.475.138,     35.475.138,
-||< ||< railways ||> 56,517,180 ||> 56,517,180 ||> 48,907,929 ||> 46,590,830 ||> 45,317,601 ||> 43,958,000 ||> 43,837,499 ||> 39,960,787 ||> 41,345,431 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                56.517.180 |     43.958.000 |       43.837.499 |        39.960.787 |        41.345.431        41.345.431 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 1,655,747,400 ||> 1,875,461,200 ||> 1,780,682,400 ||> 1,810,580,800 ||> 1,853,177,400 ||> 1,853,177,400 ||> 1,669,958,849 ||> 1,672,131,248 ||> 1,838,142,737 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle   1.655.747.400 |  1.853.177.400 |  1.669.958.848, 1.672.131.248,33  1.838.142.737,04  1.838.142.737,04 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 8,739,096 ||> 11,121,374 ||> 11,421,774 ||> 9,822,506 ||> 9,947,768 ||> 9,739,769 ||> 10,353,589 ||> 13,515,063 ||> 12,463,686 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         8.739.096 |      9.739.769 |       10.353.589 |        13.515.063 |        12.463.686        12.463.686 | 
-||~ non-iron ores ||< inland vessel ||> 1,512,246 ||> 2,991,850 ||> 3,399,513 ||> 2,909,452 ||> 3,186,877 ||> 2,964,925 ||> 2,827,648 ||> 3,199,797 ||> 3,043,062 ||= +non-iron ores                                inland vessel            1.512.246 |      2.964.925 |        2.827.648 |         3.199.797 |       3.043.061,      3.043.061,
-||< ||< railways ||> 29,742 ||> 29,742 ||> 15,232 ||> 6,651 ||> 7,972 ||> 8,000 ||> 6,642 ||> 16,877 ||> 61,486 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                    29.742 |          8.000 |            6.642 |            16.877 |            61.486            61.486 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 705,600 ||> 788,600 ||> 2,480,600 ||> 1,321,000 ||> NE ||> NE ||> 0 ||> 827,676 ||> 512,051 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle         705.600 |             NE |                0 |        827.676,19        512.050,57        512.050,57 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 2,687,815 ||> 3,186,505 ||> 3,474,240 ||> 3,065,484 ||> 3,204,390 ||> 2,850,350 ||> 3,870,273 ||> 4,368,429 ||> 4,621,799 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         2.687.815 |      2.850.350 |        3.870.273 |         4.368.429 |         4.621.799         4.621.799 | 
-||~ raw coals ||< inland vessel ||> 36,652,759 ||> 36,960,623 ||> 37,127,495 ||> 39,825,584 ||> 39,049 ||> 0 ||> 0 ||> 0 ||> 19,571 ||= +raw coals                                    inland vessel           36.652.759 |              0 |                0 |                 0 |            19.571            19.571 | 
-||< ||< railways ||> 58,433,815 ||> 58,433,815 ||> 69,687,308 ||> 73,653,317 ||> 69,222,607 ||> 67,749,000 ||> 61,034,978 ||> 51,142,196 ||> 48,277,288 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                58.433.815 |     67.749.000 |       61.034.978 |        51.142.196 |        48.277.288        48.277.288 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 10,561,400 ||> 9,592,600 ||> 10,288,800 ||> 14,056,000 ||> 13,275,800 ||> 13,275,800 ||> 11,858,051 ||> 16,057,484 ||> 12,593,015 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      10.561.400 |     13.275.800 |    11.858.051,12     16.057.484,06     12.593.015,33     12.593.015,33 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 13,299,295 ||> 14,640,469 ||> 13,878,763 ||> 14,194,693 ||> 14,065,658 ||> 16,476,145 ||> 14,401,269 ||> 15,919,606 ||> 16,187,881 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel        13.299.295 |     16.476.145 |       14.401.269 |        15.919.606 |        16.187.881        16.187.881 | 
-||~ secondary raw materials ||< inland vessel ||> 15,691,876 ||> 15,455,505 ||> 15,346,780 ||> 15,565,961 ||> 12,209,667 ||> 11,521,886 ||> 11,212,165 ||> 12,089,358 ||> 15,101,718 ||= +secondary raw materials                      inland vessel           15.691.876 |     11.521.886 |       11.212.165 |        12.089.358 |      15.101.718,     15.101.718,
-||< ||< railways ||> 25,614,264 ||> 25,614,264 ||> 24,816,767 ||> 24,034,064 ||> 23,099,944 ||> 22,113,000 ||> 21,261,312 ||> 22,147,649 ||> 20,565,387 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                25.614.264 |     22.113.000 |       21.261.312 |        22.147.649 |        20.565.387        20.565.387 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 422,570,000 ||> 465,981,000 ||> 452,569,000 ||> 464,878,800 ||> 490,299,000 ||> 490,299,000 ||> 161,493,436 ||> 171,462,235 ||> 502,448,809 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle     422.570.000 |    490.299.000 |   161.493.436,36    171.462.234,65    502.448.809,36    502.448.809,36 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 5,047,097 ||> 5,440,262 ||> 6,098,151 ||> 5,739,258 ||> 6,094,992 ||> 5,810,444 ||> 5,057,435 ||> 4,173,386 ||> 3,427,249 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         5.047.097 |      5.810.444 |        5.057.435 |         4.173.386 |         3.427.249         3.427.249 | 
-||~ rock & saline salt ||< inland vessel ||> 2,769,356 ||> 5,367,045 ||> 4,297,737 ||> 4,588,453 ||> 3,959,354 ||> 3,939,437 ||> 3,651,498 ||> 4,115,651 ||> 3,977,618 ||= +rock & saline salt                           inland vessel            2.769.356 |      3.939.437 |        3.651.498 |         4.115.651 |       3.977.617,      3.977.617,
-||< ||< railways ||> 3,067,187 ||> 3,067,187 ||> 2,413,134 ||> 2,963,318 ||> 2,258,785 ||> 2,575,000 ||> 2,362,886 ||> 2,603,115 ||> 3,017,352 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                 3.067.187 |      2.575.000 |        2.362.886 |         2.603.115 |         3.017.352         3.017.352 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 21,579,000 ||> 18,284,800 ||> 11,550,200 ||> 13,746,800 ||> 7,887,600 ||> 7,887,600 ||> 7,238,776 ||> 10,591,977 ||> 11,820,822 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      21.579.000 |      7.887.600 |     7.238.776,07      10.591.976,    11.820.822,05     11.820.822,05 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 567,059 ||> 1,340,830 ||> 1,062,136 ||> 912,141 ||> 761,849 ||> 919,251 ||> 888,593 ||> 812,124 ||> 1,116,411 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel           567.059 |        919.251 |          888.593 |           812.124 |         1.116.411         1.116.411 | 
-||~ noítrogen fertilisers ||< inland vessel ||> 5,737,386 ||> 5,636,147 ||> 5,616,853 ||> 5,321,196 ||> 5,267,318 ||> 5,104,076 ||> 4,930,755 ||> 4,742,988 ||> 4,466,442 ||= +^ nitrogen fertilisers                         inland vessel            5.737.386 |      5.104.076 |        4.930.755 |         4.742.988 |       4.466.441,      4.466.441,
-||< ||< railways ||> 15,708,472 ||> 15,708,472 ||> 15,592,709 ||> 15,550,134 ||> 14,971,021 ||> 14,091,000 ||> 13,614,102 ||> 14,066,445 ||> 12,318,493 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                15.708.472 |     14.091.000 |       13.614.102 |        14.066.445 |        12.318.493        12.318.493 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 37,454,600 ||> 44,977,200 ||> 61,230,200 ||> 64,460,400 ||> 71,366,600 ||> 71,366,600 ||> 28,434,989 ||> 30,619,530 ||> 68,151,044 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      37.454.600 |     71.366.600 |    28.434.988,59     30.619.530,39     68.151.043,89     68.151.043,89 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 5,309,443 ||> 5,821,309 ||> 5,953,434 ||> 6,489,522 ||> 6,378,323 ||> 6,509,499 ||> 7,011,855 ||> 7,392,865 ||> 7,239,705 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         5.309.443 |      6.509.499 |        7.011.855 |         7.392.865 |         7.239.705         7.239.705 | 
-||~ white cement, lime, cement ||< inland vessel ||> 3,273,975 ||> 3,324,316 ||> 3,120,120 ||> 3,046,615 ||> 2,408,113 ||> 2,479,720 ||> 2,532,347 ||> 2,776,593 ||> 2,978,726 ||= +white cement, lime, cement                   inland vessel            3.273.975 |      2.479.720 |        2.532.347 |         2.776.593 |       2.978.725,      2.978.725,
-||< ||< railways ||> 17,849,146 ||> 17,849,146 ||> 17,115,456 ||> 18,418,916 ||> 19,947,465 ||> 21,867,000 ||> 19,270,679 ||> 18,928,775 ||> 18,679,111 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                17.849.146 |     21.867.000 |       19.270.679 |        18.928.775 |        18.679.111        18.679.111 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 69,407,200 ||> 81,743,800 ||> 71,895,800 ||> 76,202,600 ||> 86,441,400 ||> 86,441,400 ||> 76,251,684 ||> 77,289,169 ||> 99,899,785 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      69.407.200 |     86.441.400 |    76.251.684,33     77.289.168,89     99.899.784,63     99.899.784,63 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 1,544,488 ||> 2,130,253 ||> 2,171,491 ||> 1,954,095 ||> 2,699,787 ||> 2,757,516 ||> 2,470,814 ||> 2,552,567 ||> 2,172,344 ||= +^ :::                                          sea-going vessel         1.544.488 |      2.757.516 |        2.470.814 |         2.552.567 |         2.172.344         2.172.344 | 
-||~ sugar beet ||< inland vessel ||> 0 ||> 5,003 ||> 0 ||> 1,035 ||> 6,362,106 ||> 6,366,439 ||> 6,426,328 ||> 6,396,070 ||> 5,912,659 ||= +sugar beet                                   inland vessel                    0 |      6.366.439 |        6.426.328 |         6.396.070 |       5.912.658,      5.912.658,
-||< ||< railways ||> 123,598 ||> 123,598 ||> 96,747 ||> 29,869 ||> 46,870 ||> 24,000 ||> 64,094 ||> 37,555 ||> 0 ||= +^ :::                                          railways                   123.598 |         24.000 |           64.094 |            37.555 |                 0                 0 | 
-||< ||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 26,946,200 ||> 27,903,200 ||> 31,496,200 ||> 20,903,200 ||> 36,601,000 ||> 36,601,000 ||> 22,159,060 ||> 32,853,554 ||> 31,023,482 ||= +^ :::                                          heavy-duty vehicle      26.946.200 |     36.601.000 |    22.159.059,85     32.853.553,74     31.023.481,64     31.023.481,64 
-||< ||< sea-going vessel ||> 17 ||> 142 ||> 1,843 ||> 1,154 ||> 4,086 ||> 2,872 ||> 3,125 ||> 9,676 ||> 3,277 ||=+^ :::                                          sea-going vessel                17 |          2.872 |            3.125 |             9.676 |             3.277             3.277 |
 sources: annual data deliveries DESTATIS & KBA (for heavy-duty vehicles) to the inventory compiler sources: annual data deliveries DESTATIS & KBA (for heavy-duty vehicles) to the inventory compiler
Line 134: Line 133:
 __Table 2: specific EF for PM emissions from NST/R crop products, in [kg/t], as used for 2009 estimates__ __Table 2: specific EF for PM emissions from NST/R crop products, in [kg/t], as used for 2009 estimates__
-||= **vehicle type** ||= **TSP** ||= **PM,,10,,** ||= **PM,,2.5,,** ||= + 
-||||||||= **for barley** || +                     ^  TSP     PM10    PM2.5   ^ 
-||< inland ship ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> + for barley                                      |||| 
-||< railway ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> +inland ship           0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< maritime ship ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.0038 ||> +railway               0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> +maritime ship         0.038   0.019    0.0038 | 
-||||||||= **for oats** || +heavy-duty vehicle    0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< inland ship ||> 0.018 ||> 0.009 ||> 0.002 ||> + for oats                                        |||| 
-||< railway ||> 0.018 ||> 0.009 ||> 0.002 ||> +inland ship           0.018   0.009     0.002 | 
-||< maritime ship ||> 0.018 ||> 0.009 ||> 0.00179 ||> +railway               0.018   0.009     0.002 | 
-||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 0.018 ||> 0.009 ||> 0.002 ||> +maritime ship         0.018   0.009   0.00179 | 
-||||||||= **for corn** || +heavy-duty vehicle    0.018   0.009     0.002 | 
-||< inland ship ||> 0.029 ||> 0.014 ||> 0.003 ||> + for corn                                        |||| 
-||< railway ||> 0.029 ||> 0.014 ||> 0.003 ||> +inland ship           0.029   0.014     0.003 | 
-||< maritime ship ||> 0.029 ||> 0.014 ||> 0.00287 ||> +railway               0.029   0.014     0.003 | 
-||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 0.029 ||> 0.014 ||> 0.003 ||> +maritime ship         0.029   0.014   0.00287 | 
-||||||||= **for rice** || +heavy-duty vehicle    0.029   0.014     0.003 | 
-||< inland ship ||> 0.015 ||> 0.008 ||> 0.002 ||> + for rice                                        |||| 
-||< railway ||> 0.015 ||> 0.008 ||> 0.002 ||> +inland ship           0.015   0.008     0.002 | 
-||< maritime ship ||> 0.015 ||> 0.008 ||> 0.00151 ||> +railway               0.015   0.008     0.002 | 
-||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 0.015 ||> 0.008 ||> 0.002 ||> +maritime ship         0.015   0.008   0.00151 | 
-||||||||= **for rye** || +heavy-duty vehicle    0.015   0.008     0.002 | 
-||< inland ship ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> + for rye                                         |||| 
-||< railway ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> +inland ship           0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< maritime ship ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.0038 ||> +railway               0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> +maritime ship         0.038   0.019    0.0038 | 
-||||||||= **for wheat** || +heavy-duty vehicle    0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< inland ship ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> + for wheat                                       |||| 
-||< railway ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||> +inland ship           0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< maritime ship ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.0038 ||> +railway               0.038   0.019     0.004 | 
-||< heavy-duty vehicle ||> 0.038 ||> 0.019 ||> 0.004 ||>+maritime ship         0.038   0.019    0.0038 | 
 +heavy-duty vehicle    0.038   0.019     0.004 |
 Here, in order to match the new NST-2007 classes for goods and materials, the very specific emission factors used in fomer submissions were converted to aggregated implied emission factors. Here, in order to match the new NST-2007 classes for goods and materials, the very specific emission factors used in fomer submissions were converted to aggregated implied emission factors.
 __Table 3: IEFs used for emission estimates as of 2010, in [kg/t]__ __Table 3: IEFs used for emission estimates as of 2010, in [kg/t]__
-||= **Product / Good / Material** ||||||= **Heavy-duty vehicles** ||||||= **Railways** ||||||= **Inland vessels** ||||||= **Sea-going vessels** ||= +                                            ^  Heavy-duty vehicles                            ^^^  Railways                             ^^^  Inland vessels                            ^^^  Sea vessels                           ^^^ 
-||= ||= TSP ||= PM,,10,, ||= PM,,2.5,, ||= TSP ||= PM,,10,, ||= PM,,2.5,, ||= TSP ||= PM,,10,, ||= PM,,2.5,, ||= TSP ||= PM,,10,, ||= PM,,2.5,, ||= +                                             TSP                   PM10        PM2.5       TSP         PM10        PM2.5       TSP              PM10        PM2.5       TSP           PM10        PM2.5     
-||~ Other herbal products ||> 0.032000 ||> 0.016000 ||> 0.003200 ||> 0.024000 ||> 0.012000 ||> 0.002400 ||> 0.022000 ||> 0.011000 ||> 0.002200 ||> 0.028000 ||> 0.014000 ||> 0.002800 ||> +Other herbal products                        0.032000              0.016000    0.003200    0.024000    0.012000    0.002400    0.022000         0.011000    0.002200    0.028000      0.014000    0.002800  
-||~ Chemische Grundstoffe. mineralisch ||> 0.041000 ||> 0.020500 ||> 0.004100 ||> 0.031000 ||> 0.015500 ||> 0.003100 ||> 0.029000 ||> 0.014500 ||> 0.002900 ||> 0.036000 ||> 0.018000 ||> 0.003600 ||> +Chemische Grundstoffe. mineralisch           0.041000              0.020500    0.004100    0.031000    0.015500    0.003100    0.029000         0.014500    0.002900    0.036000      0.018000    0.003600  
-||~ Raw organic chemicals ||> 0.024000 ||> 0.012000 ||> 0.002400 ||> 0.018000 ||> 0.009000 ||> 0.001800 ||> 0.017000 ||> 0.008500 ||> 0.001700 ||> 0.021000 ||> 0.010500 ||> 0.002100 ||> +Raw organic chemicals                        0.024000              0.012000    0.002400    0.018000    0.009000    0.001800    0.017000         0.008500    0.001700    0.021000      0.010500    0.002100  
-||~ Iron ore ||> 0.057000 ||> 0.028500 ||> 0.005700 ||> 0.042000 ||> 0.021000 ||> 0.004200 ||> 0.040000 ||> 0.020000 ||> 0.004000 ||> 0.050000 ||> 0.025000 ||> 0.005000 ||> +Iron ore                                     0.057000              0.028500    0.005700    0.042000    0.021000    0.004200    0.040000         0.020000    0.004000    0.050000      0.025000    0.005000  
-||~ Crops ||> 0.045000 ||> 0.022500 ||> 0.004500 ||> 0.034000 ||> 0.017000 ||> 0.003400 ||> 0.031000 ||> 0.015500 ||> 0.003100 ||> 0.039000 ||> 0.019500 ||> 0.003900 ||> +Crops                                        0.045000              0.022500    0.004500    0.034000    0.017000    0.003400    0.031000         0.015500    0.003100    0.039000      0.019500    0.003900  
-||~ Potatoes ||> 0.007000 ||> 0.003500 ||> 0.000700 ||> 0.005000 ||> 0.002500 ||> 0.000500 ||> 0.005000 ||> 0.002500 ||> 0.000500 ||> 0.006000 ||> 0.003000 ||> 0.000600 ||> +Potatoes                                     0.007000              0.003500    0.000700    0.005000    0.002500    0.000500    0.005000         0.002500    0.000500    0.006000      0.003000    0.000600  
-||~ Coal products ||> 0.019000 ||> 0.009500 ||> 0.001900 ||> 0.014000 ||> 0.007000 ||> 0.001400 ||> 0.013000 ||> 0.006500 ||> 0.001300 ||> 0.017000 ||> 0.008500 ||> 0.001700 ||> +Coal products                                0.019000              0.009500    0.001900    0.014000    0.007000    0.001400    0.013000         0.006500    0.001300    0.017000      0.008500    0.001700  
-||~ Products from grinding and shelling mills ||> 0.003000 ||> 0.001500 ||> 0.000300 ||> 0.003000 ||> 0.001500 ||> 0.000300 ||> 0.003000 ||> 0.001500 ||> 0.000300 ||> 0.003000 ||> 0.001500 ||> 0.000300 ||> +Products from grinding and shelling mills    0.003000              0.001500    0.000300    0.003000    0.001500    0.000300    0.003000         0.001500    0.000300    0.003000      0.001500    0.000300  
-||~ Mineral fertilisers ||> 0.024000 ||> 0.012000 ||> 0.002400 ||> 0.018000 ||> 0.009000 ||> 0.001800 ||> 0.017000 ||> 0.008500 ||> 0.001700 ||> 0.021000 ||> 0.010500 ||> 0.002100 ||> +Mineral fertilisers                          0.024000              0.012000    0.002400    0.018000    0.009000    0.001800    0.017000         0.008500    0.001700    0.021000      0.010500    0.002100  
-||~ Natural sands. gravel. and stones ||> 0.027000 ||> 0.013500 ||> 0.002700 ||> 0.020000 ||> 0.010000 ||> 0.002000 ||> 0.019000 ||> 0.009500 ||> 0.001900 ||> 0.023000 ||> 0.011500 ||> 0.002300 ||> +Natural sands. gravel. and stones            0.027000              0.013500    0.002700    0.020000    0.010000    0.002000    0.019000         0.009500    0.001900    0.023000      0.011500    0.002300  
-||~ Non-iron ores ||> 0.066000 ||> 0.033000 ||> 0.006600 ||> 0.049000 ||> 0.024500 ||> 0.004900 ||> 0.046000 ||> 0.023000 ||> 0.004600 ||> 0.058000 ||> 0.029000 ||> 0.005800 ||> +Non-iron ores                                0.066000              0.033000    0.006600    0.049000    0.024500    0.004900    0.046000         0.023000    0.004600    0.058000      0.029000    0.005800  
-||~ Raw coals ||> 0.016000 ||> 0.008000 ||> 0.001600 ||> 0.016000 ||> 0.008000 ||> 0.001600 ||> 0.020000 ||> 0.010000 ||> 0.002000 ||> 0.028000 ||> 0.014000 ||> 0.002800 ||> +Raw coals                                    0.016000              0.008000    0.001600    0.016000    0.008000    0.001600    0.020000         0.010000    0.002000    0.028000      0.014000    0.002800  
-||~ Secondary raw materials ||> 0.027000 ||> 0.013500 ||> 0.002700 ||> 0.020000 ||> 0.010000 ||> 0.002000 ||> 0.019000 ||> 0.009500 ||> 0.001900 ||> 0.023000 ||> 0.011500 ||> 0.002300 ||> +Secondary raw materials                      0.027000              0.013500    0.002700    0.020000    0.010000    0.002000    0.019000         0.009500    0.001900    0.023000      0.011500    0.002300  
-||~ Rock & saline salt ||> 0.068000 ||> 0.034000 ||> 0.006800 ||> 0.051000 ||> 0.025500 ||> 0.005100 ||> 0.047000 ||> 0.023500 ||> 0.004700 ||> 0.059000 ||> 0.029500 ||> 0.005900 ||> +Rock & saline salt                           0.068000              0.034000    0.006800    0.051000    0.025500    0.005100    0.047000         0.023500    0.004700    0.059000      0.029500    0.005900  
-||~ Nitrogen fertilisers ||> 0.024000 ||> 0.012000 ||> 0.002400 ||> 0.018000 ||> 0.009000 ||> 0.001800 ||> 0.017000 ||> 0.008500 ||> 0.001700 ||> 0.021000 ||> 0.010500 ||> 0.002100 ||> +Nitrogen fertilisers                         0.024000              0.012000    0.002400    0.018000    0.009000    0.001800    0.017000         0.008500    0.001700    0.021000      0.010500    0.002100  
-||~ White cement. lime. cement ||> 0.005000 ||> 0.002500 ||> 0.000500 ||> 0.004000 ||> 0.002000 ||> 0.000400 ||> 0.003000 ||> 0.001500 ||> 0.000300 ||> 0.004000 ||> 0.002000 ||> 0.000400 ||> +White cement. lime. cement                   0.005000              0.002500    0.000500    0.004000    0.002000    0.000400    0.003000         0.001500    0.000300    0.004000      0.002000    0.000400  
-||~ Sugar beet ||> 0.000240 ||> 0.000120 ||> 0.000024 ||> 0.000180 ||> 0.000090 ||> 0.000018 ||> 0.000170 ||> 0.000085 ||> 0.000017 ||> 0.000210 ||> 0.000105 ||> 0.000021 ||>+Sugar beet                                   0.000240              0.000120    0.000024    0.000180    0.000090    0.000018    0.000170         0.000085    0.000017    0.000210      0.000105    0.000021  |
-+++ Ratio TSP : PM,,10,, : PM,,2.5,, 
-The shares of  PM,,10,, and PM,,2.5,, of the entire amounts of emitted TSP have been set to fixed values used for the entire time series.+** Ratio TSP : PM<sub>10</sub> : PM<sub>2.5</sub> ** 
 +The shares of PM<sub>10</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub> of the entire amounts of emitted TSP have been set to fixed values used for the entire time series.
 Assumptions:  Assumptions: 
 * TSP = 100%,  * TSP = 100%, 
-* 50% of TSP are =< 10 µm. Therefore, the EF(PM,,10,,) are assumed as 1/2 of the corresponding EF(TSP), and +* 50% of TSP are =< 10 µm. Therefore, the EF(PM<sub>10</sub>) are assumed as 1/2 of the corresponding EF(TSP), and 
-* 10% of TSP are =< 2.5 µm. Therefore, the EF(PM,,2.5,,) are assumed as 1/10 of the corresponding EF(TSP).+* 10% of TSP are =< 2.5 µm. Therefore, the EF(PM<sub>2.5</sub>) are assumed as 1/10 of the corresponding EF(TSP).
-[[image PM-ratios.PNG]] +The ratios of TSP, PM<sub>10</sub>, and PM<sub>2.5</sub> were also discussed in the research project mentioned above, but without generating any new data. Nonetheless, the ratios might be to low at the moment and will be checked furthermore.
- +
-The ratios of TSP, PM,,10,,, and PM,,2.5,, were also discussed in the research project mentioned above, but without generating any new data. Nonetheless, the ratios might be to low at the moment and will be checked furthermore.+
-===== Discussion of emission trends ===== 
-> **NFR 2.L(a)** is key category for **PM,,2.5,,**, **PM,,10,,**, and **TSP**. 
-In general, diffuse particulate matter emissions depend strongly on the amounts of dry bulk goods handled and transported. In addition, due to efforts to prevent such particle emissions, the time series of the emission factors applied for all three fractions of particulate matter show a falling trend. 
 ===== Recalculations ===== ===== Recalculations =====