1.A.3.b iii - Transport: Road Transport: Heavy Duty Vehicles and Buses

Short description

In sub-category 1.A.3.b iii - Road Transport: Heavy Duty Vehicles and Buses emissions from fuel combustion in trucks, lorries, buses etc. are reported.

Category Code Method AD EF
1.A.3.b iii T1, T3 NS, M CS, M, D
Key Category: L/T -/- -/- -/- L/T L/T -/- L/T -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -

Click to view Legend

Click to hide Legend

T = key source by Trend L = key source by Level

D Default
T1 Tier 1 / Simple Methodology *
T2 Tier 2*
T3 Tier 3 / Detailed Methodology *
CS Country Specific
M Model
* as described in the EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook - 2019, in the group specific chapters.
AD - Data Source for Activity Data
NS National Statistics
RS Regional Statistics
IS International Statistics
PS Plant Specific data
As Associations, business organisations
Q specific Questionnaires (or surveys)
M Model / Modelled
C Confidential
EF - Emission Factors
D Default (EMEP Guidebook)
C Confidential
CS Country Specific
PS Plant Specific data
M Model / Modelled


Activity data

Specific consumption data for heavy-duty vehicles (trucks and lorries) and buses are generated within TREMOD 1). - The following tables provide an overview of annual amounts of fuels consumed by these vehicles in Germany.

Table 1: Annual fuel consumption of trucks and lorries, in terajoules

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
thereof: Buses
Diesel oil 54,449 46,071 46,040 37,582 43,949 43,549 46,516 47,685 44,800 47,766 49,068 47,777 45,841 47,939 31,448 29,736
Biodiesel 72 510 2,511 3,369 3,039 3,283 2,828 2,753 2,613 2,601 2,551 2,665 2,730 2,612 2,066
CNG 1,147 2,141 1,962 2,152 1,737 1,667 1,576 1,213 1,155 956 1,004 983 983
Biogas 307 344 420 266 285 319 257 408 529 470
Petroleum 610 414
Ʃ Buses 54,449 46,143 46,550 41,240 49,459 48,550 52,258 52,594 49,640 52,221 53,167 51,802 49,720 52,082 35,572 33,255
thereof: Trucks & Lorries
Diesel oil 382,330 507,334 590,322 455,044 509,974 510,920 535,523 550,889 523,710 543,429 549,899 555,099 542,086 552,663 535,871 523,678
Biodiesel 792 6,540 30,409 39,098 35,648 37,795 32,670 32,182 29,726 29,153 29,634 31,511 31,478 44,513 36,381
CNG 393 336 320 272 190 182 164 206 276 444
Biogas 56,2 66,6 80,5 45,8 44,7 50 44 84 148 212
LNG 36,1 41,1 46,7 52,2 63,0 104 192 830 2.511 5.045
Ʃ Trucks & Lorries 382,330 508,125 596,862 485,453 549,072 546,569 573,767 583,962 556,292 573,472 579,287 584,964 573,805 584,432 580,807 560,715
HDVs over-all
Diesel oil 436,779 553,405 636,362 492,626 553,922 554,469 582,039 598,574 568,510 591,195 598,967 602,876 587,927 600,602 567,318 553,414
Biodiesel 863 7,050 32,920 42,467 38,687 41,078 35,498 34,935 32,339 31,754 32,184 34,175 34,209 47,125 38,446
CNG 1,147 2,141 1,962 2,545 2,074 1,986 1,848 1,403 1,337 1,120 1,211 1,259 1,428
Biogas 364 410 501 312 330 369 301 492 677 682
Petroleum 610 414
LNG 36,1 41,1 46,7 52,2 63,0 104 192 830 2.511 5.045
Ʃ 1.A.3.b iii 436,779 554,878 643,825 526,693 598,531 595,118 626,061 636,598 605,979 625,745 632,517 636,870 623,716 637,344 618,890 599,016

source: TREMOD 2)

For information on mileage, please refer to sub-chapters on emissions from tyre & brake wear and road abrasion.

Emission factors

The majority of emission factors for exhaust emissions from road transport are taken from the 'Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport' (HBEFA, version 4.1) 3) where they are provided on a tier3 level mostly and processed within the TREMOD software used by the party 4).

However, it is not possible to present these tier3 values in a comprehendible way here.

With respect to the country-specific emission factors applied for particulate matter, given the circumstances during test-bench measurements, condensables are most likely included at least partly. 1)

For heavy-metal (other then lead from leaded gasoline) and PAH exhaust-emissions, default emission factors from the 2019 EMEP Guidebook (EMEP/EEA, 2019) 5) have been applied. Regarding PCDD/F, tier1 EF from (Rentz et al., 2008) 6) are used instead.

Table 2: tier1 EF derived from default values

Pb Cd Hg As Cr Cu Ni Se Zn B[a]P B[b]F B[k]F I[…]P PAH 1-4 PCDD/F
[g/TJ] [mg/TJ] [µg/km]
Diesel oil 0.012 0.001 0.123 0.002 0.198 0.133 0.005 0.002 0.419 498 521 275 493 1,788
Biodiesel 0.013 0.001 0.142 0.003 0.228 0.153 0.005 0.003 0.483 575 601 317 569 2,062
all fuels: buses 0.000019
all fuels: trucks & lorries 0.000016

Table 3: Outcome of Key Category Analysis

for: NOx BC PM10 PM2.5
by: L/T L/T L/T L/T

Nitrogen oxides

Until 2005, NOx emissions followed mileage and fuel consumption. Since 2006, in contrast to nearly unchanged fuel consumption, emissions have decreased due to controlled catalytic-converter use and engine improvements resulting from continual tightening of emissions laws.

Table 4: EURO norms and their effect on limit values of NOx emissions from diesel heavy-duty vehicles, in [g/kWh]

pre-Euro Euro I Euro II Euro III Euro IV Euro V Euro VI7)
14,4 8/9 7 5 3,5 2 0,4 / 0,46

Annual nitrogen oxides emissions

Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and carbon monoxide

Since 1990, exhaust emissions of NMVOC and carbon monoxide have decreased sharply due to catalytic-converter use and engine improvements resulting from ongoing tightening of emissions laws and improved fuel quality.

Table 4: EURO norms and their effect on limit values of CO emissions from diesel heavy-duty vehicles, in [g/kWh]

pre-Euro Euro I Euro II Euro III Euro IV Euro V Euro VI8)
11,2 4,5 / 4,9 4 2,1 1,5 1,5 1,5

Annual NMVOC emissions Annual carbon monoxide emissions

Ammonia and sulphur dioxide

As for the entire road transport sector, the trends for sulphur dioxide (SO2) and ammonia (NH3) exhaust emissions from heavy duty vehicles show charcteristics different from those shown above: Here, the strong dependence on increasing fuel qualities (sulphur content) leads to an cascaded downward trend of SO2 emissions , influenced only slightly by increases in fuel consumption and mileage. For ammonia emissions the increasing use of catalytic converters in gasoline driven cars in the 1990s lead to a steep increase whereas both the technical development of the converters and the ongoing shift from gasoline to diesel cars resulted in decreasing emissions in the following years.

Annual sulphur oxides emissions

Particulate matter & Black carbon

As for all reported exhaust PM emissions from mobile diesel vehicles the Party assumes that nearly all particles emitted are within the PM2.5 range, resulting in similar emission values for PM2.5, PM10, and TSP.


Compared to submission 2022, recalculations were carried out due to a routine revision of the TREMOD software and the revision of several National Energy Balances (NEB).

Here, activity data were revised within TREMOD due to the provision of the final NEB 2020.

Furthermore, significant re-allocations of consumption shares between the different vehicle types and classes were conducted, effecting the entire time series but with the 1.A.3.b consumptipon totals remaining unaltered. Here, diesel fuels have been re-allocated to passenger cars (see 1.A.3.b i) and light duty vehicles (see 1.A.3.b ii).

Table 4: Revised fuel consumption data, in terajoules

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
current Submission 436,779 553,405 636,362 492,626 553,922 554,469 582,039 598,574 568,510 591,195 598,967 602,876 587,927 600,602 567,318
previous Submission 459,124 590,259 680,299 526,071 571,016 571,405 598,290 615,392 585,865 608,497 615,976 619,134 602,053 612,992 576,728
absolute change -22,345 -36,854 -43,937 -33,445 -17,093 -16,936 -16,252 -16,818 -17,354 -17,302 -17,009 -16,259 -14,125 -12,390 -9,410
relative change -4.87% -6.24% -6.46% -6.36% -2.99% -2.96% -2.72% -2.73% -2.96% -2.84% -2.76% -2.63% -2.35% -2.02% -1.63%
current Submission 863 7,050 32,920 42,467 38,687 41,078 35,498 34,935 32,339 31,754 32,184 34,175 34,209 47,125
previous Submission 921 7,537 35,155 43,778 39,869 42,225 36,496 36,002 33,285 32,656 33,052 34,996 34,915 47,907
absolute change -57 -487 -2,235 -1,310 -1,182 -1,147 -997 -1,066 -946 -902 -868 -821 -706 -782
relative change -6.24% -6.46% -6.36% -2.99% -2.96% -2.72% -2.73% -2.96% -2.84% -2.76% -2.63% -2.35% -2.02% -1.63%
current Submission 1,147 2,141 1,962 2,545 2,074 1,986 1,848 1,403 1,337 1,120 1,211 1,259
previous Submission 1,183 2,200 2,011 2,552 2,058 1,979 1,866 1,407 1,337 1,125 1,226 1,500
absolute change -35.5 -59.3 -48.7 -6.71 15.64 7.04 -18.68 -4.15 -0.65 -5.15 -15.3 -242
relative change -3.00% -2.69% -2.42% -0.26% 0.76% 0.36% -1.00% -0.30% -0.05% -0.46% -1.24% -16.1%
current Submission 364 410 501 312 330 369 301 492 677
previous Submission 365 407 499 315 331 370 303 498 688
absolute change -0.96 3.09 1.77 -3.15 -0.98 -0.18 -1.39 -6.20 -11.2
relative change -0.26% 0.76% 0.36% -1.00% -0.30% -0.05% -0.46% -1.24% -1.62%
current Submission 36 41 47 52 63,0 104 192 830 2.511
previous Submission 37 42 47 50 57,9 91 163 697 2.108
absolute change -0.52 -0.49 0.04 2.20 5.16 12.5 29.1 134 402
relative change -1.41% -1.17% 0.09% 4.39% 8.92% 13.7% 17.9% 19.2% 19.1%
current Submission 610 414
previous Submission 610 414
absolute change 0,00 0,00
relative change 0,00% 0,00%
current Submission 436,779 554,878 643,825 526,693 598,531 595,118 626,136 636,673 606,064 625,840 632,625 636,993 623,873 637,586 619,256
previous Submission 459,124 591,789 688,249 562,409 616,994 613,284 643,432 654,353 624,344 643,963 650,370 653,893 638,477 649,631 626,824
absolute change -22,345 -36,911 -44,424 -35,716 -18,463 -18,166 -17,295 -17,680 -18,281 -18,122 -17,745 -16,900 -14,604 -12,045 -7,568
relative change -4.87% -6.24% -6.45% -6.35% -2.99% -2.96% -2.69% -2.70% -2.93% -2.81% -2.73% -2.58% -2.29% -1.85% -1.21%

Due to the variety of highly specific tier3 emission factors applied, it is not possible to display any changes in these data sets in a comprehendible way.

For pollutant-specific information on recalculated emission estimates for Base Year and 2020, please see the recalculation tables following chapter 8.1 - Recalculations.

Planned improvements

Besides a routine revision of the underlying model, no specific improvements are planned.

1), 2), 4) Knörr et al. (2022a): Knörr, W., Heidt, C., Gores, S., & Bergk, F.: ifeu Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH, ifeu): Fortschreibung des Daten- und Rechenmodells: Energieverbrauch und Schadstoffemissionen des motorisierten Verkehrs in Deutschland 1960-2035, sowie TREMOD, im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes, Heidelberg & Berlin, 2022.
3) Keller et al. (2017): Keller, M., Hausberger, S., Matzer, C., Wüthrich, P., & Notter, B.: Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport, version 4.1 (Handbuch Emissionsfaktoren des Straßenverkehrs 4.1) URL: http://www.hbefa.net/e/index.html - Dokumentation, Bern, 2017.
5) EMEP/EEA, 2019: EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019; https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/emep-eea-guidebook-2019/part-b-sectoral-guidance-chapters/1-energy/1-a-combustion/1-a-3-b-i/view; Copenhagen, 2019.
6) Rentz et al., 2008: Nationaler Durchführungsplan unter dem Stockholmer Abkommen zu persistenten organischen Schadstoffen (POPs), im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes, FKZ 205 67 444, UBA Texte | 01/2008, January 2008 - https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/publikationen/nationaler-durchfuehrungsplan-unter-stockholmer
7), 8) EUR-Lex, 2009: REGULATION (EC) No 595/2009 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 June 2009 on type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and Directive 2007/46/EC and repealing Directives 80/1269/EEC, 2005/55/EC and 2005/78/EC - https://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2009/595/oj
During test-bench measurements, temperatures are likely to be significantly higher than under real-world conditions, thus reducing condensation. On the contrary, smaller dillution (higher number of primary particles acting as condensation germs) together with higher pressures increase the likeliness of condensation. So over-all condensables are very likely to occur but different to real-world conditions.