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sector:energy:fugitive:solid_fuels:start [2022/03/22 11:32] – [Table] kotzullasector:energy:fugitive:solid_fuels:start [2024/11/06 13:47] (current) – external edit
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 The activity rates for hard coal coke production have been taken from the //Statistik der Kohlenwirtschafts//’s website (in German only) [9].  The activity rates for hard coal coke production have been taken from the //Statistik der Kohlenwirtschafts//’s website (in German only) [9]. 
-^ Activity data                  Unit  ^  1990  ^  1995  ^  2000  ^  2005  ^  2010  ^  2015  ^  2019  ^  2020  ^ +__Table 5: Annual amounts of hard coal coke produced, in [Mt]__ 
-production of hard coal coke  |  Mt    |   18.5 |   11.1 |    9.1 |    8.4 |    8.2 |    8.8 |    8.8 |    7.9 |+^  1990  ^  1995  ^  2000  ^  2005  ^  2010  ^  2015  ^  2019  ^  2020  ^ 
 +|  18.5   11.1   9.1    8.4    8.2    8.8    8.8    7.9   |
 The emission factors for hard coal coke production have been obtained from the research project “Emission factors for the iron and steel industry, for purposes of emissions reporting” (“Emissionsfaktoren zur Eisen- und Stahlindustrie für die Emissionsberichterstattung”) [(Hensmann2011)]. The emission factors for hard coal coke production have been obtained from the research project “Emission factors for the iron and steel industry, for purposes of emissions reporting” (“Emissionsfaktoren zur Eisen- und Stahlindustrie für die Emissionsberichterstattung”) [(Hensmann2011)].
-__Table 2: Emission factors for hard coal coke production__+__Table 6: Emission factors for hard coal coke production__
 ^  Pollutant  ^  Unit  ^  Value     ^ ^  Pollutant  ^  Unit  ^  Value     ^
 |  CO          kg/t  |  0.015     | |  CO          kg/t  |  0.015     |
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 The NMVOC emissions from decommissioned hard-coal mines have been calculated in the research project "Potential for release and utilisation of mine gas" ("Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas") [(MEINERS2014)]. The relevant calculations were carried out for all mining-relevant deposits in Germany. The NMVOC emissions from decommissioned hard-coal mines have been calculated in the research project "Potential for release and utilisation of mine gas" ("Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas") [(MEINERS2014)]. The relevant calculations were carried out for all mining-relevant deposits in Germany.
-^ Source of emission factor       ^  Substance  ^  unit    Value    ^ +__Table 7: NMVOC emission factor for decommissioned hard-coal mines, in [kg/m³]__ 
-decommissioned hard-coal mines   NMVOC      |  kg/m³  | 0.001599  |+ EF        ^ 
 + 0.001599  |
 ===== Recalculations ===== ===== Recalculations =====
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 [(EMEPEEA2016>EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook 2016; published in 2016 [[|External Link]] (last pageview: Dec 2016) )] [(EMEPEEA2016>EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook 2016; published in 2016 [[|External Link]] (last pageview: Dec 2016) )]
 [(NEULICHT1995>Neulicht, R. (1995): Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 10.7 "Charcoal". [[|External Link]] )] [(NEULICHT1995>Neulicht, R. (1995): Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 10.7 "Charcoal". [[|External Link]] )]
-[(MEINERS2014>Meiners, H. (2014): Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas] +[(MEINERS2014>Meiners, H. (2014): Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas)
- +[(KOHLENWIRTSCHAFT>Statistik der Kohlenwirtschaft (2019) [[|External Link]] (last pageview: March 2021) )]
-[(KOHLENWIRTSCHAFT>Statistik der Kohlenwirtschaft (2019) [[|External Link]] (last pageview: March 2021) )]+