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2.B.7 - Soda Ash Production
Short description
Category Code | Method | AD | EF | ||||||||||||
2.B.7 | T1 | NS | C | ||||||||||||
NOx | NMVOC | SO2 | NH3 | PM2.5 | PM10 | TSP | BC | CO | Pb | Cd | Hg | Diox | PAH | HCB | |
Key Category: | - | - | - | -/- | - | - | -/- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
In Germany, soda ash is produced in three production facilities, all of which use the Solvay process. The production data is thus confidential.
Activity data
The Federal Statistical Office determines the total amounts of soda ash produced in Germany, but only in a way that respects confidentiality.
Emission factor
Emission factors (for TSP and NH3) are confidential due to restrictions on activity data.
Discussion of emission trends
The steep reduction—especially for NH3—at the beginning of the 1990s was due to closures in the eastern German industrial sector. For the year 1990 in the case of TSP for eastern Germany, a summary figure is reported for the Chemical Industry as a whole. However, after 1992, emissions of NH3 occur at a lower level.
All trends in emissions correspond to trends of emission factors. No rising trends are to identify.
With EF and AD remaining unrevised, recalculations were not necessary.
For pollutant-specific information on recalculated emission estimates for Base Year and 2019, please see the pollutant specific recalculation tables following chapter 8.1 - Recalculations.
Planned improvements
AD improvements are planned by using production figures of both german producers.