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sector:energy:fugitive:solid_fuels:start [2022/03/22 11:40] – [Hard coal coke production] kotzullasector:energy:fugitive:solid_fuels:start [2024/11/06 13:47] (current) – external edit
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 __Table 5: Annual amounts of hard coal coke produced, in [Mt]__ __Table 5: Annual amounts of hard coal coke produced, in [Mt]__
 ^  1990  ^  1995  ^  2000  ^  2005  ^  2010  ^  2015  ^  2019  ^  2020  ^ ^  1990  ^  1995  ^  2000  ^  2005  ^  2010  ^  2015  ^  2019  ^  2020  ^
-  18.5 |   11.1 |    9.1 |    8.4 |    8.2 |    8.8 |    8.8 |    7.9 |+ 18.5   11.1   9.1    8.4    8.2    8.8    8.8    7.9   |
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 The NMVOC emissions from decommissioned hard-coal mines have been calculated in the research project "Potential for release and utilisation of mine gas" ("Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas") [(MEINERS2014)]. The relevant calculations were carried out for all mining-relevant deposits in Germany. The NMVOC emissions from decommissioned hard-coal mines have been calculated in the research project "Potential for release and utilisation of mine gas" ("Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas") [(MEINERS2014)]. The relevant calculations were carried out for all mining-relevant deposits in Germany.
-^ Source of emission factor       ^  Substance  ^  unit    Value    ^ +__Table 7: NMVOC emission factor for decommissioned hard-coal mines, in [kg/m³]__ 
-decommissioned hard-coal mines   NMVOC      |  kg/m³  | 0.001599  |+ EF        ^ 
 + 0.001599  |
 ===== Recalculations ===== ===== Recalculations =====
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 [(EMEPEEA2016>EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook 2016; published in 2016 [[|External Link]] (last pageview: Dec 2016) )] [(EMEPEEA2016>EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook 2016; published in 2016 [[|External Link]] (last pageview: Dec 2016) )]
 [(NEULICHT1995>Neulicht, R. (1995): Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 10.7 "Charcoal". [[|External Link]] )] [(NEULICHT1995>Neulicht, R. (1995): Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 10.7 "Charcoal". [[|External Link]] )]
-[(MEINERS2014>Meiners, H. (2014): Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas] +[(MEINERS2014>Meiners, H. (2014): Potential zur Freisetzung und Verwertung von Grubengas)
- +[(KOHLENWIRTSCHAFT>Statistik der Kohlenwirtschaft (2019) [[|External Link]] (last pageview: March 2021) )]
-[(KOHLENWIRTSCHAFT>Statistik der Kohlenwirtschaft (2019) [[|External Link]] (last pageview: March 2021) )]+