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Recalculations - Nickel (Ni)

With negligibly small changes within NFRs 1 and 2 and re-allocations in sub-categories of 1.A.3.b, the 1990 National Total remains unaltered compared to last year's submission.

However, the strongest percental change occurs in NFR 1.A.3.b ii with plus 24 %.

Table 1: Changes in emission estimates for 1990

Submission 2022 Submission 2023 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [t] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 332,74 332,74 0,00 0,00% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 305,13 305,13 0,00 0,00% sub-category chapters
1.A.2.g vii 0,0002988 0,0002992 0,0000004 0,13% here
1.A.3.b i 0,06880 0,06848 -0,00031 -0,45% here
1.A.3.b ii 0,00161 0,00199 0,00038 23,76% here
1.A.3.b iii 0,00216 0,00205 -0,00011 -4,87% here
1.A.3.b iv 0,00115 0,00118 0,00003 2,99% here
1.A.4.a ii 0,00003653 0,00003650 -0,00000003 -0,09% here
1.A.4.b ii 0,023643 0,023647 0,000005 0,02% here
1.A.4.c ii 0,045725 0,045722 -0,000003 -0,01% here
NFR 2 - IPPU 27,61 27,61 0,00 0,00% sub-category chapters
2.G 1,5786 1,5785 -0,0002 -0,01% here
NFR 3 - Agriculture NA
NFR 5 - Waste NA
NFR 6 - Other NA

The changes in the National Total reported for 2020 (+3.15 t and +2.4 %) are dominated by revisions in NFRs 1.A.3.c, 1.A.1.b and 1.A.2.g viii.

The significant percental change occuring in NFR 1.A.3.b iii results from a data error that will be corrected with the next annual submission.

Table 2: Changes in emission estimates for 2020

Submission 2022 Submission 2023 Difference Reasoning
NFR Sector [t] relative see description and reasoning in:
NATIONAL TOTAL 131,80 134,95 3,15 2,39% sub-category chapters
NFR 1 - Energy 124,42 127,57 3,15 2,54% sub-category chapters
1.A.1.a 2,73 2,69 -0,04 -1,50% here
1.A.1.b 73,69 72,33 -1,36 -1,85% here
1.A.1.c 0,031 0,029 -0,002 -6,68% here
1.A.2.g vii 0,00040 0,00045 0,00005 11,91% here
1.A.2.g viii 2,02 3,60 1,58 78,10% here
1.A.3.a i(i) 0,0000000507 0,0000000505 -0,0000000002 -0,42% here
1.A.3.a ii(i) 0,0000013084 0,0000013088 0,0000000004 0,03% here
1.A.3.b i 0,0361 0,0361 -0,0001 -0,16% here
1.A.3.b ii 0,0011 0,0011 0,0001 5,50% here
1.A.3.b iii 0,003 0,001 -0,002 -65,91% here
1.A.3.b iv 0,00100 0,00101 0,00001 1,11% here
1.A.3.b vi 2,540 2,529 -0,01 -0,44% here
1.A.3.b vii 0,5325 0,5322 -0,0003 -0,05% here
1.A.3.c 41,78 44,77 2,99 7,16% here
1.A.4.a i 0,0401 0,0410 0,0008 2,10% here
1.A.4.a ii 0,0000290 0,0000293 0,0000003 0,89% here
1.A.4.b i 0,444 0,439 -0,005 -1,22% here
1.A.4.b ii 0,014 0,011 -0,003 -21,39% here
1.A.4.c i 0,0051901 0,0051896 -0,0000005 -0,01% here
1.A.4.c ii 0,033 0,041 0,008 25,51% here
NFR 2 - IPPU 7,386 7,382 -0,004 -0,06% sub-category chapters
2.A.3 0,0383 0,0383 0,00 0,11% here
2.G 1,741 1,736 -0,004 -0,25% here
NFR 3 - Agriculture NA
NFR 5 - Waste NA
NFR 6 - Other NA